2010 - Sherlock
A new sleuth for the 21st century.
Tam kde nie je možné vyriešiť prípad, tam nastupuje Sherlock Holmes spolu s Johnom Watsonom. Herec Benedict Cumberbatch dal postave Sherlocka Holmesa nový rozmer, za čo získal niekoľko televíznych cien. Detektív Holmes má najúžasnejšie odhaľovacie metódy. Má schopnosť analyzovať stopy tak ako nikto iný na svete. themoviedb
Zaujímavé odkazy
Sherlock subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E00 Neodvysielaný pilot
S01E01 Štúdia v ružovom
S01E02 Slepý bankár
S01E03 Veľká hra
S02E01 Škandál v Belgravii
S02E02 Psy baskervillské
S02E03 Reichenbašský pád
S03E00 "Sherlock" Many Happy Returns
S03E01 The Empty Hearse
S03E02 The Sign of Three
S03E03 His Last Vow
S04E01 Šesť Thatcheriek
S04E02 Klamár detektív
S04E03 Konečný problém
S05E03 "Sherlock" Episode #5.3
Шерлок - S01E02 The Blind Banker Sherlock S01E02 The Blind Banker (2010) English 0% 853 0 8 mesiacmi
Sherlock S01E02 The Blind Banker (2010) EnglishSherlock S01E02 The Blind Banker (2010) EnglishSherlock - S04E01 The Six Thatchers Sherlock - 4x01 - Episode 1.720p.BluRay.JYK.en 0% 294 0 8 mesiacmi
Sherlock - 4x01 - Episode 1. 720p. BluRay. JYK. enSherlock - 4x01 - Episode 1.720p.BluRay.JYK.enSherlock - S02E03 The Reichenbach Fall BBC - Sherlock - S02E03 - The Reichenbach Fall 0% 486 0 8 mesiacmi
BBC - Sherlock - S02E03 - The Reichenbach FallBBC - Sherlock - S02E03 - The Reichenbach FallSherlock - S02E02 The Hounds of Baskerville BBC - Sherlock - S02E02 - The Hounds of Baskerville 0% 652 0 8 mesiacmi
BBC - Sherlock - S02E02 - The Hounds of BaskervilleBBC - Sherlock - S02E02 - The Hounds of BaskervilleSherlock - S02E01 A Scandal in Belgravia BBC - Sherlock - S02E01 - A Scandal in Belgravia 0% 811 0 8 mesiacmi
BBC - Sherlock - S02E01 - A Scandal in BelgraviaBBC - Sherlock - S02E01 - A Scandal in BelgraviaSherlock - S03E03 His Last Vow 3x03 His Last Vow BluRay 1080p DD5.1 H265-d3g 0% 314 0 8 mesiacmi
3x03 His Last Vow BluRay 1080p DD5. 1 H265-d3g3x03 His Last Vow BluRay 1080p DD5.1 H265-d3gSherlock - S03E02 The Sign of Three 3x02 The Sign of Three BluRay 1080p DD5.1 H265-d3g 0% 434 0 8 mesiacmi
3x02 The Sign of Three BluRay 1080p DD5. 1 H265-d3g3x02 The Sign of Three BluRay 1080p DD5.1 H265-d3gШерлок - S01E01 A Study in Pink Sherlock.S01E01.DVDRip.XviD-HAGGiS 0% 717 0 9 mesiacmi
Sherlock. S01E01. DVDRip. XviD-HAGGiSSherlock.S01E01.DVDRip.XviD-HAGGiSSherlock - S04E03 The Final Problem Sherlock - 4x03 - The Final Problem_BluRay_1h29m02s 0% 857 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 4x03 - The Final Problem_BluRay_1h29m02sSherlock - 4x03 - The Final Problem_BluRay_1h29m02sSherlock - S04E02 The Lying Detective Sherlock - 4x02 - The Lying Detective_BluRay_1h29m07s 0% 860 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 4x02 - The Lying Detective_BluRay_1h29m07sSherlock - 4x02 - The Lying Detective_BluRay_1h29m07sSherlock - S04E01 The Six Thatchers Sherlock - 4x01 - The Six Thatchers_BluRay_1h28m28s 0% 923 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 4x01 - The Six Thatchers_BluRay_1h28m28sSherlock - 4x01 - The Six Thatchers_BluRay_1h28m28sSherlock - S03E03 His Last Vow Sherlock - 3x03 - His Last Vow_BluRay_1h29m09s 0% 1183 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 3x03 - His Last Vow_BluRay_1h29m09sSherlock - 3x03 - His Last Vow_BluRay_1h29m09sSherlock - S03E02 The Sign of Three Sherlock - 3x02 - The Sign of Three_BluRay_1h26m06s 0% 1127 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 3x02 - The Sign of Three_BluRay_1h26m06sSherlock - 3x02 - The Sign of Three_BluRay_1h26m06sSherlock - S03E01 The Empty Hearse Sherlock - 3x01 - The Empty Hearse_BluRay_1h26m29s 0% 1742 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 3x01 - The Empty Hearse_BluRay_1h26m29sSherlock - 3x01 - The Empty Hearse_BluRay_1h26m29sSherlock - S03E00 "Sherlock" Many Happy Returns Sherlock - 3x00 - Many Happy Returns_WEB-DL_7m12s 0% 166 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 3x00 - Many Happy Returns_WEB-DL_7m12sSherlock - 3x00 - Many Happy Returns_WEB-DL_7m12sSherlock - S02E03 The Reichenbach Fall Sherlock - 2x03 - The Reichenbach Fall_BluRay_1h28m27s 0% 1707 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 2x03 - The Reichenbach Fall_BluRay_1h28m27sSherlock - 2x03 - The Reichenbach Fall_BluRay_1h28m27sSherlock - S02E02 The Hounds of Baskerville Sherlock - 2x02 - The Hounds of Baskerville_BluRay_1h28m23s 0% 2047 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 2x02 - The Hounds of Baskerville_BluRay_1h28m23sSherlock - 2x02 - The Hounds of Baskerville_BluRay_1h28m23sSherlock - S02E01 A Scandal in Belgravia Sherlock - 2x01 - A Scandal in Belgravia_BluRay_1h29m34s 0% 2299 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 2x01 - A Scandal in Belgravia_BluRay_1h29m34sSherlock - 2x01 - A Scandal in Belgravia_BluRay_1h29m34sSherlock - S01E03 The Great Game Sherlock - 1x03 - The Great Game_BluRay_1h33m06s 0% 1844 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 1x03 - The Great Game_BluRay_1h33m06sSherlock - 1x03 - The Great Game_BluRay_1h33m06sSherlock - S01E02 The Blind Banker Sherlock - 1x02 - The Blind Banker_BluRay_1h32m10s 0% 1960 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 1x02 - The Blind Banker_BluRay_1h32m10sSherlock - 1x02 - The Blind Banker_BluRay_1h32m10sSherlock - S01E01 A Study in Pink Sherlock - 1x01 - A Study in Pink_BluRay_1h31m45s 0% 3365 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 1x01 - A Study in Pink_BluRay_1h31m45sSherlock - 1x01 - A Study in Pink_BluRay_1h31m45s新世紀福爾摩斯 - S01E00 Unaired Pilot Sherlock - 1x00 - Unaired Pilot (A Study in Pink)_WEB-DL_55m15s 0% 498 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock - 1x00 - Unaired Pilot (A Study in Pink)_WEB-DL_55m15sSherlock - 1x00 - Unaired Pilot (A Study in Pink)_WEB-DL_55m15sSherlock - S01E03 The Great Game Sherlock: S01E03 (2010) [4K Blu-ray] 0% 921 0 viac ako rokom
Sherlock: S01E03 (2010) [4K Blu-ray]Sherlock: S01E03 (2010) [4K Blu-ray]Sherlock - S00E00 "Sherlock" The Abominable Bride Sherlock-The.Abominable.Bride.2016.1080p.WEB-DL.MULTi.DD5.1.x264-BDP 0% 723 0 takmer 2 rokmi
Sherlock-The. Abominable. Bride. 2016. 1080p. WEB-DL. MULTi. DD5. 1. x264-BDPSherlock-The.Abominable.Bride.2016.1080p.WEB-DL.MULTi.DD5.1.x264-BDP