2001 - Dommer John Deed
Original title: Judge John Deed
Dommer John Deed (spillet af Martin Shaw) er en inkarneret idealist, og hans mere traditionelle kollegaer ser ham som en farlig og uforudsigelig enspænder. Deed er beviset på, at magt ikke nødvendigvis fordærver folk. Bevæbnet med et skarpt intellekt, flabet charme, stærk intelligens og en lidenskabelig tro på retfærdighed er han nået til tops på sine egne betingelser. Han er frygtløs, selvstændig og har svoret at tjene sit fædreland – og han nægter at lade sig påvirke af regeringens lakajer. Også selvom det betyder, at han pådrager sig en række magtfulde fjender undervejs. themoviedb
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Dommer John Deed subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E00 "Judge John Deed" Exacting Justice
S01E01 Afsnit 1 - Hård retfærdighed
S01E02 Afsnit 2 - Omsorgspligt
S01E03 Afsnit 3 - Et passende svar
S01E04 Afsnit 4 - Skjult agenda
S02E01 Afsnit 1 - Politisk hensigtsmæssighed
S02E02 Abuse of Power
S02E03 Nobody's Fool
S02E04 Everyone's Child
S03E01 Afsnit 1 - Livsfarligt spil
S03E02 Judicial Review
S03E03 Conspiracy
S03E04 Economic Imperative
S04E01 Lost and Found
S04E02 Above the Law
S04E03 In Defence of Others
S04E04 Defence of the Realm
S04E05 Separation of Powers
S04E06 Popular Appeal
S05E01 Hard-Gating
S05E02 My Daughter, Right or Wrong
S05E03 Lost Youth
S05E04 Silent Killer
S05E05 One Angry Man
S05E06 Heart of Darkness
S06E01 War Crimes (1)
S06E02 War Crimes (2)
S06E03 Evidence of Harm (1)
S06E04 Evidence of Harm (2)
Judge John Deed - S01E00 "Judge John Deed" Exacting Justice Judge John Deed S01E00 Exacting Justice.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 216 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S01E00 Exacting Justice. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S01E00 Exacting Justice.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S05E02 My Daughter, Right or Wrong Judge John Deed S05E02 My Daughter, Right or Wrong.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 302 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S05E02 My Daughter_ Right or Wrong. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S05E02 My Daughter_ Right or Wrong.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S05E01 Hard-Gating Judge John Deed S05E01 Hard Gating.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 309 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S05E01 Hard Gating. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S05E01 Hard Gating.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S02E03 Nobody's Fool Judge John Deed S02E03 Nobody's Fool.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 233 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S02E03 Nobodys Fool. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S02E03 Nobodys Fool.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S06E03 Evidence of Harm (1) Judge John Deed S06E03 Evidence of Harm - Part 1.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 242 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S06E03 Evidence of Harm - Part 1. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S06E03 Evidence of Harm - Part 1.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S06E04 Evidence of Harm (2) Judge John Deed S06E04 Evidence of Harm - Part 2.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 272 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S06E04 Evidence of Harm - Part 2. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S06E04 Evidence of Harm - Part 2.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S01E02 Duty of Care Judge John Deed S01E02 Duty of Care.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 318 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S01E02 Duty of Care. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S01E02 Duty of Care.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S04E06 Popular Appeal Judge John Deed S04E06 Popular Appeal.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 246 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S04E06 Popular Appeal. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S04E06 Popular Appeal.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S04E01 Lost and Found Judge John Deed S04E01 Lost and Found.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 318 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S04E01 Lost and Found. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S04E01 Lost and Found.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S03E03 Conspiracy Judge John Deed S03E03 Conspiracy.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 318 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S03E03 Conspiracy. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S03E03 Conspiracy.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S05E03 Lost Youth Judge John Deed S05E03 Lost Youth.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 299 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S05E03 Lost Youth. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S05E03 Lost Youth.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S03E02 Judicial Review Judge John Deed S03E02 Judicial Review.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 301 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S03E02 Judicial Review. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S03E02 Judicial Review.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S06E01 War Crimes (1) Judge John Deed S06E01 War Crimes - Part 1.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 294 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S06E01 War Crimes - Part 1. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S06E01 War Crimes - Part 1.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S04E05 Separation of Powers Judge John Deed S04E05 Separation of Powers.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 246 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S04E05 Separation of Powers. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S04E05 Separation of Powers.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S01E01 Rough Justice Judge John Deed S01E01 Rough Justice.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 268 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S01E01 Rough Justice. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S01E01 Rough Justice.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S03E01 Health Hazard Judge John Deed S03E01 Health Hazard.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 291 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S03E01 Health Hazard. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S03E01 Health Hazard.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S04E02 Above the Law Judge John Deed S04E02 Above the Law.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 290 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S04E02 Above the Law. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S04E02 Above the Law.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S03E04 Economic Imperative Judge John Deed S03E04 Economic Imperative.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 248 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S03E04 Economic Imperative. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S03E04 Economic Imperative.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S04E04 Defence of the Realm Judge John Deed S04E04 Defence of the Realm.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 265 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S04E04 Defence of the Realm. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S04E04 Defence of the Realm.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S04E03 In Defence of Others Judge John Deed S04E03 In Defence of Others.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 278 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S04E03 In Defence of Others. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S04E03 In Defence of Others.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S02E02 Abuse of Power Judge John Deed S02E02 Abuse of Power.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 242 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S02E02 Abuse of Power. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S02E02 Abuse of Power.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S06E02 War Crimes (2) Judge John Deed S06E02 War Crimes - Part 2.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 232 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S06E02 War Crimes - Part 2. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S06E02 War Crimes - Part 2.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S02E04 Everyone's Child Judge John Deed S02E04 Everyone's Child.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 207 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S02E04 Everyones Child. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S02E04 Everyones Child.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBCJudge John Deed - S01E03 Appropriate Response Judge John Deed S01E03 Appropriate Response.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC 0% 264 0 mere end 3 år
Judge John Deed S01E03 Appropriate Response. DVDRip. NonHI. en. BBCJudge John Deed S01E03 Appropriate Response.DVDRip.NonHI.en.BBC