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2002 - Amen. Der Stellvertreter (Amen) dut 0% 80 1 pli ol 3 jaroj
Der Stellvertreter (Amen) dutDer Stellvertreter (Amen) dutMayday - S01E03 Flying Blind Flying Blind 0% 255 1 pli ol 5 jaroj
Flying BlindFlying BlindMayday - S1E3
Flying BlindFlying Blind"Air Emergency" Flying Blind Flying Blind 0% 3 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
Mayday - S01E05 Cutting Corners Cutting Corners 0% 224 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
Cutting CornersCutting CornersMayday - S01E05 Cutting Corners Cutting Corners 0% 1921 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
Cutting CornersCutting CornersMayday - S01E04 Flying on Empty Flying On Empty 0% 2113 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
Flying On EmptyFlying On EmptyMayday - S13E11 "Air Emergency" Getting Out Alive Special: Getting Out Alive 0% 247 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
Special: Getting Out AliveSpecial: Getting Out AliveMayday - S05E09 Mixed Signals (Birgenair Flight 301) Mixed Signals (The Plane That Wouldn't Talk) 0% 1805 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
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Deadly DelayDeadly DelayMayday - S14E04 The Death of JFK Jr (Piper PA-32R-301 Saratoga II) Sideswiped 0% 1087 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
SideswipedSideswipedAir Crash Investigation - S05E08 Fatal Distraction (Eastern Airlines Flight 401) Fatal Distraction 0% 155 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
Fatal DistractionFatal DistractionMayday - S11E12 The Invisible Plane (The Linate Airport Disaster) The invisible plane 0% 245 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
The invisible planeThe invisible planeAir Crash Investigation - S11E10 I'm the Problem (Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771) I'm the problem 0% 202 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
Im the problemIm the problemAir Crash Investigation - S07E07 Flight 574 Lost (Adam Air Flight 574) The plane that vanished 0% 168 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
The plane that vanishedThe plane that vanishedMayday - S14E11 Death in the Arctic (First Air Flight 6560) What Happened to Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 0% 139 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
What Happened to Malaysian Airlines Flight 370What Happened to Malaysian Airlines Flight 370Mayday - S14E11 Death in the Arctic (First Air Flight 6560) S14E11 What Happened To Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 0% 1696 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
S14E11 What Happened To Malaysia Airlines Flight 370S14E11 What Happened To Malaysia Airlines Flight 370Mayday - S12E11 Heading to Disaster (Ethiopian Airlines Flight 409) Heading for Disaster 0% 125 0 pli ol 5 jaroj
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Heading for DisasterHeading for DisasterMayday - S15E09 Deadly Mission (1961 Ndola United Nations DC-6 crash) Steep impact 0% 1206 0 preskaŭ 6 jaroj
Steep impactSteep impact