1955 - Alfred Hitchcock Presenta
Original title: Alfred Hitchcock Presents
Alfred Hitchcock presenta episodios individuales en los que muestra historias de suspenso themoviedb
Enlaces interesantes
Alfred Hitchcock Presenta subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Venganza
S01E02 Premonición
S01E03 Gatillos bajo control
S01E04 No vuelvas con vida
S01E05 La dama desaparecida
S01E06 Rescate
S01E07 Angustia
S01E08 Nuestra cocinera es un tesoro
S01E09 Una jugada arriesgada
S01E10 El caso del Señor Pelham
S01E11 Testigo culpable
S01E12 Santa Claus y el chico de la décima avenida
S01E13 El jarrón Cheney
S01E14 Una bala para Baldwin
S01E15 El gran varapalo
S01E16 Hay que tener suerte
S01E17 La hermana mayor
S01E18 Buscando la muerte
S01E19 Los abandonados
S01E20 Y entonces murió Riabouchinska
S01E21 El salvoconducto
S01E22 Lugar de sombras
S01E23 Regreso por Navidad
S01E24 El crimen perfecto
S01E25 Érase una vez una anciana
S01E26 Una novela policiaca. ¿Quién lo hizo?
S01E27 Se busca ayuda
S01E28 El retrato de Jocelyn
S01E29 El metódico mundo del Señor Appleby
S01E30 Nunca más
S01E31 El caballero americano
S01E32 La niñera
S01E33 El campanario
S01E34 Algo oculto
S01E35 El legado
S01E36 Visón
S01E37 La trampa
S01E38 El reptador
S01E39 Momentum
S02E01 Un sábado lluvioso
S02E02 Rodeados de niebla
S02E03 De Mortius
S02E04 Matar con amabilidad
S02E05 Nadie es tan ciego
S02E06 Toby
S02E07 Encúbreme
S02E08 Conversación sobre un cadaver
S02E09 El día del juicio final
S02E10 Jonathan
S02E11 Un negocio mejor
S02E12 El rosal
S02E13 El secreto del Señor Blanchard
S02E14 El cuerpo de John Brown
S02E15 El chiflado
S02E16 Pesadilla en 4D
S02E17 Mi hermano Richard
S02E18 El esposado
S02E19 Una botella de vino
S02E20 Malicia Doméstica
S02E21 El número veintidos
S02E22 El veranillo de San Martin
S02E23 Uno para el camino
S02E24 Lo más gracioso de todo
S02E25 Yo maté al Conde (parte 1)
S02E26 Yo maté al Conde (parte 2)
S02E27 Yo maté al Conde (parte 3)
S02E28 Una milla más
S02E29 Un círculo vicioso
S02E30 Los tres sueños del Señor Findlater
S02E31 La noche del fin del mundo
S02E32 Las manos del Señor Ottermole
S02E33 Un hombre muy querido
S02E34 Martha Mason, estrella de cine
S02E35 La cápsula del tiempo de West Warlock
S02E36 Padre e hijo
S02E37 El indestructible Señor Weems
S02E38 Dormir un poco
S02E39 Gente peligrosa
S03E01 El ojo de cristal
S03E02 Profeta por correo
S03E03 El crimen perfecto
S03E04 Corazón de oro
S03E05 Testigo silencioso
S03E06 Recompensa al que lo encuentre
S03E07 Suficiente cuerda para dos
S03E08 Última petición
S03E09 La joven
S03E10 El cuerpo diplomático
S03E11 El implacable
S03E12 El gato de la señorita Paisley
S03E13 La noche de la ejecución
S03E14 El porcentaje
S03E15 Together
S03E16 Sylvia
S03E17 The Motive
S03E18 La señorita Bracegirdle hace lo que debe
S03E19 El ecualizador
S03E20 Corazonada
S03E21 Invitado A Desayunar
S03E22 The Return of the Hero
S03E23 La casa adecuada
S03E24 Sirena en la niebla
S03E25 Vuelo Hacia Oriente
S03E26 Un toro en una cacharrería
S03E27 Truco para desaparecer
S03E28 Cordero que llevan al matadero
S03E29 Fatal Figures
S03E30 Sentencia de muerte
S03E31 Las navidades
S03E32 Escucha, escucha
S03E33 Post Mortem
S03E34 El neceser de piel de cocodrilo
S03E35 Un chapuzón en la subasta
S03E36 Lugar seguro
S03E37 El sedan amarillo
S03E38 Asesinato improvisado
S03E39 El vestidito blanco
S04E01 Poison
S04E02 Don't Interrupt
S04E03 The Jokester
S04E04 The Crooked Road
S04E05 The $2,000,000 Defense
S04E06 Design for Loving
S04E07 Man with a Problem
S04E08 Safety for the Witness
S04E09 Murder Me Twice
S04E10 Tea Time
S04E11 And the Desert Shall Blossom
S04E12 Mrs. Herman and Mrs. Fenimore
S04E13 Six People, No Music
S04E14 The Morning After
S04E15 A Personal Matter
S04E16 Out There - Darkness
S04E17 Total Loss
S04E18 The Last Dark Step
S04E19 The Morning of the Bride
S04E20 The Diamond Necklace
S04E21 Relative Value
S04E22 The Right Price
S04E23 I'll Take Care of You
S04E24 The Avon Emeralds
S04E25 The Kind Waitress
S04E26 Cheap Is Cheap
S04E27 The Waxwork
S04E28 The Impossible Dream
S04E29 Banquo's Chair
S04E30 A Night With the Boys
S04E31 Your Witness
S04E32 Human Interest Story
S04E33 The Dusty Drawer
S04E34 A True Account
S04E35 Touché
S04E36 Invitation to an Accident
S05E01 Arthur
S05E02 The Crystal Trench
S05E03 Appointment at Eleven
S05E04 Coyote Moon
S05E05 No Pain
S05E06 Anniversary Gift
S05E07 Dry Run
S05E08 The Blessington Method
S05E09 Dead Weight
S05E10 Special Delivery
S05E11 Road Hog
S05E12 Specialty of the House
S05E13 An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
S05E14 Graduating Class
S05E15 Man from the South
S05E16 The Ikon of Elijah
S05E17 The Cure
S05E18 Backward, Turn Backward
S05E19 Not the Running Type
S05E20 The Day of the Bullet
S05E21 Hitch Hike
S05E22 Across the Threshold
S05E23 Craig's Will
S05E24 Madame Mystery
S05E25 The Little Man Who Was There
S05E26 Mother, May I Go out to Swim?
S05E27 The Cuckoo Clock
S05E28 Forty Detectives Later
S05E29 The Hero
S05E30 Insomnia
S05E31 I Can Take Care of Myself
S05E32 One Grave Too Many
S05E33 Party Line
S05E34 Cell 227
S05E35 The Schartz-Metterklume Method
S05E36 Letter of Credit
S05E37 Escape to Sonoita
S05E38 Hooked
S06E01 Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel's Coat
S06E02 The Doubtful Doctor
S06E03 Very Moral Theft
S06E04 The Contest for Aaron Gold
S06E05 The Five Forty-eight
S06E06 Pen Pal
S06E07 Outlaw in Town
S06E08 O Youth and Beauty!
S06E09 The Money
S06E10 Sybilla
S06E11 The Man With Two Faces
S06E12 The Baby Blue Expression
S06E13 The Man Who Found the Money
S06E14 The Changing Heart
S06E15 Summer Shade
S06E16 A Crime for Mothers
S06E17 The Last Escape
S06E18 The Greatest Monster of Them All
S06E19 The Landlady
S06E20 The Throwback
S06E21 The Kiss Off
S06E22 The Horse Player
S06E23 Incident in a Small Jail
S06E24 A Woman's Help
S06E25 Museum Piece
S06E26 Coming, Mama
S06E27 Deathmate
S06E28 Gratitude
S06E29 The Pearl Necklace
S06E30 You Can't Trust a Man
S06E31 The Gloating Place
S06E32 Self Defense
S06E33 A Secret Life
S06E34 Servant Problem
S06E35 Coming Home
S06E36 Final Arrangements
S06E37 Make My Death Bed
S06E38 Ambition
S07E01 The Hatbox
S07E02 Bang, You're Dead
S07E03 Maria
S07E04 Cop for a Day
S07E05 Keep Me Company
S07E06 Beta Delta Gamma
S07E07 You Can't be A Little Girl All Your Life
S07E08 The Old Pro
S07E09 I Spy
S07E10 Services Rendered
S07E11 The Right Kind of Medicine
S07E12 A Jury of Her Peers
S07E13 The Silk Petticoat
S07E14 Bad Actor
S07E15 The Door Without a Key
S07E16 The Case of M.J.H.
S07E17 The Faith of Aaron Menefee
S07E18 The Woman Who Wanted to Live
S07E19 Strange Miracle
S07E20 The Test
S07E21 Burglar Proof
S07E22 The Big Score
S07E23 Profit Sharing Plan
S07E24 Apex
S07E25 The Last Remains
S07E26 Ten O'Clock Tiger
S07E27 Act of Faith
S07E28 The Kerry Blue
S07E29 The Matched Pearl
S07E30 What Frightened You, Fred?
S07E31 Most Likely to Succeed
S07E32 Victim Four
S07E33 The Opportunity
S07E34 The Twelve Hour Caper
S07E35 The Children of Alda Nuova
S07E36 First Class Honeymoon
S07E37 The Big Kick
S07E38 Where Beauty Lies
S07E39 The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Alfred Hitchcock Presents - S06E01 Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel's Coat Alfred Hitchcock Presents 1080p S6EP1 (complete) (moviesbyrizzo upl) 0% 159 0 más de 1 año
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Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E21 Safe Conduct 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl)Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E21 Safe Conduct 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl)Alfred Hitchcock Presents - S01E02 Premonition Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E02 Premonition 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl) 0% 126 0 más de 1 año
Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E02 Premonition 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl)Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E02 Premonition 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl)Alfred Hitchcock Presents - S01E11 Guilty Witness Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E11 Guilty Witness 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl) 0% 86 0 más de 1 año
Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E11 Guilty Witness 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl)Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E11 Guilty Witness 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl)Alfred Hitchcock Presents - S01E10 The Case of Mr. Pelham Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E10 The Case of Mr Pelham 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl) 0% 85 0 más de 1 año
Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E10 The Case of Mr Pelham 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl)Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E10 The Case of Mr Pelham 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl)Alfred Hitchcock Presents - S01E36 Mink Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E36 Mink 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl) 0% 97 0 más de 1 año
Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E36 Mink 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl)Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E36 Mink 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl)Alfred Hitchcock Presents - S01E17 The Older Sister Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E17 The Older Sister 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl) 0% 65 0 más de 1 año
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Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E06 Salvage 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl)Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E06 Salvage 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl)Alfred Hitchcock Presents - S01E12 Santa Claus and the 10th Avenue Kid Alfred Hitchcock Presents S01E12 Santa and the 10th ave Kid 1080p (moviesbyrizzo upl) 0% 82 0 más de 1 año
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