2007 - Rillit huurussa
Smart is the new sexy.
Alkuperäinen nimi: The Big Bang Theory
Amerikkalaisessa komediasarjassa ujot fyysikkonörtit Leonard ja Sheldon saavat vaihtelua kvanttimekaniikalla ja klingonilla kyllästettyyn elämäänsä, kun heidän naapurissaan asuva viehkeä vaaleaverikkö Penny opettaa heille yhtä ja toista ihmissuhteista ja naisista. themoviedb
Rillit huurussa subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E00 Muukalainen naapurissamme
S01E01 Muukalainen naapurissamme
S01E02 The Big Bran Hypothesis
S01E03 Pörrösaapaspäätelmä
S01E04 Hohtokalavaikutus
S01E05 The Hamburger Postulate
S01E06 The Middle-Earth Paradigm
S01E07 Mykyparadoksi
S01E08 Grasshopper-koe
S01E09 The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization
S01E10 The Loobenfeld Decay
S01E11 The Pancake Batter Anomaly
S01E12 The Jerusalem Duality
S01E13 Lepakkopurkkiotaksuma
S01E14 Nörttinirvanan tuho
S01E15 Porsaankyljysmäärittämättömyys
S01E16 Maapähkinäreaktio
S01E17 The Tangerine Factor
S02E01 Pilaantuneen kalan paradigma
S02E02 Kalukukkarotopologia
S02E03 Barbaarisublimaatio
S02E04 Aarnikotkaekvivalenssi
S02E05 The Euclid Alternative
S02E06 The Cooper-Nowitzki Theorem
S02E07 The Panty Piñata Polarization
S02E08 Lisko-Spock -ekspansio
S02E09 Valkoparsatriangulaatio
S02E10 The Vartabedian Conundrum
S02E11 The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis
S02E12 Tappajarobottiepävakaisuus
S02E13 The Friendship Algorithm
S02E14 Taloudellinen läpäisevyys
S02E15 Äidillinen kapasitanssi
S02E16 The Cushion Saturation
S02E17 The Terminator Decoupling
S02E18 Työlaulunanoklusteri
S02E19 Kuolleen ilotytön vastakkainasettelu
S02E20 The Hofstadter Isotope
S02E21 The Vegas Renormalization
S02E22 Salaisten materiaalien turbulenssi
S02E23 The Monopolar Expedition
S03E01 Sähköpurkinavaajavaihtelu
S03E02 Samu-otaksuma
S03E03 Goottipoikkeama
S03E04 The Pirate Solution
S03E05 The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary
S03E06 The Cornhusker Vortex
S03E07 The Guitarist Amplification
S03E08 Liukuesteankkojen puute
S03E09 Kostonmuodostus
S03E10 Gorillakoe
S03E11 Äidillinen yhtäläisyys
S03E12 Selvänäkijäkurimus
S03E13 Bozeman-reaktio
S03E14 The Einstein Approximation
S03E15 The Large Hadron Collision
S03E16 Excelsior-hankinta
S03E17 The Precious Fragmentation
S03E18 Housuvaihtoehto
S03E19 Wheaton-uusiutuma
S03E20 The Spaghetti Catalyst
S03E21 Plimpton-stimulaatio
S03E22 Portaiden käyttöönotto
S03E23 The Lunar Excitation
S04E01 The Robotic Manipulation
S04E02 Ristikukkaisvihannesvahvistus
S04E03 Glamour-substituutio
S04E04 Peikkopoikkeama
S04E05 The Desperation Emanation
S04E06 The Irish Pub Formulation
S04E07 The Apology Insufficiency
S04E08 The 21-Second Excitation
S04E09 The Boyfriend Complexity
S04E10 The Alien Parasite Hypothesis
S04E11 The Justice League Recombination
S04E12 The Bus Pants Utilization
S04E13 Lemmenautouppouma
S04E14 The Thespian Catalyst
S04E15 The Benefactor Factor
S04E16 Avoliittoformulaatio
S04E17 The Toast Derivation
S04E18 The Prestidigitation Approximation
S04E19 Zarnecki-hyökkäys
S04E20 Yrttitarhagerminaatio
S04E21 The Agreement Dissection
S04E22 The Wildebeest Implementation
S04E23 The Engagement Reaction
S04E24 Kämppistransmogrifikaatio
S05E01 The Skank Reflex Analysis
S05E02 Infestaatiohypoteesi
S05E03 Nivusrevähtymäpäätelmä
S05E04 Viittomakatalyytti
S05E05 Venäläisrakettireaktio
S05E06 Nuhapaljastus
S05E07 Hyvän tyypin fluktuaatio
S05E08 The Isolation Permutation
S05E09 The Ornithophobia Diffusion
S05E10 Liekehtivän sylkykupin hankinta
S05E11 The Speckerman Recurrence
S05E12 Helymanööveri
S05E13 Rekombinaatiohypoteesi
S05E14 The Beta Test Initiation
S05E15 Ystävyyssupistuma
S05E16 Lomaratkaisu
S05E17 The Rothman Disintegration
S05E18 The Werewolf Transformation
S05E19 The Weekend Vortex
S05E20 The Transporter Malfunction
S05E21 The Hawking Excitation
S05E22 The Stag Convergence
S05E23 The Launch Acceleration
S05E24 The Countdown Reflection
S06E01 Suhdevariaabeleita
S06E02 The Decoupling Fluctuation
S06E03 The Higgs Boson Observation
S06E04 The Re-Entry Minimization
S06E05 Holografiaa ja halloween-huolia
S06E06 Sanasotia
S06E07 The Habitation Configuration
S06E08 Madonreikiä teorioissa
S06E09 Villiä pysäköintiä
S06E10 The Fish Guts Displacement
S06E11 Pelit pukilla
S06E12 The Egg Salad Equivalency
S06E13 Bakersfieldin festarireissu
S06E14 Cooper ja Kripke älynuottasilla
S06E15 The Spoiler Alert Segmentation
S06E16 Todistuksia tunteista
S06E17 The Monster Isolation
S06E18 The Contractual Obligation Implementation
S06E19 Komeron uudistuminen
S06E20 The Tenure Turbulence
S06E21 Loppuratkaisuvaihtoehto
S06E22 The Proton Resurgence
S06E23 Lemmenloitsupotentiaali
S06E24 The Bon Voyage Reaction
S07E01 The Hofstadter Insufficiency
S07E02 The Deception Verification
S07E03 The Scavenger Vortex
S07E04 The Raiders Minimization
S07E05 Työpaikan läheisyys
S07E06 Romanssiresonanssi
S07E07 Protonin paikka
S07E08 The Itchy Brain Simulation
S07E09 The Thanksgiving Decoupling
S07E10 The Discovery Dissipation
S07E11 Cooperiton eksistenssi
S07E12 Epäröinnin seuraukset
S07E13 Ammatillinen uudelleenkalibrointi
S07E14 Festarifiksaatio
S07E15 The Locomotive Manipulation
S07E16 The Table Polarization
S07E17 Ystävyyden turbulenssit
S07E18 The Mommy Observation
S07E19 Epäröintikeskittymä
S07E20 The Relationship Diremption
S07E21 Koskaan ei tiedä -uusiutuma
S07E22 Protonin muuntautuminen
S07E23 The Gorilla Dissolution
S07E24 Muutoksen palo
S08E01 Matkanteon keskeytyminen
S08E02 Yliassistenttiratkaisu
S08E03 Syötön riittämättömyys
S08E04 Pussauskopin jälkikaiut
S08E05 Fokuksen herpaantuminen
S08E06 Tutkimusretkisimulaatio
S08E07 Tohtori Lorvis tulee taloon
S08E08 Tanssiaistoisinto
S08E09 Väliseinän mutkallisuudet
S08E10 Korkkaamaton arvoitus
S08E11 Puhdastilan soluttautuma
S08E12 Luotainlevottomuus
S08E13 Ahdistuksen optimointi
S08E14 Trolli-ilmentymä
S08E15 Sarjakuvakaupan uusi tuleminen
S08E16 Lähentymisasetelma
S08E17 Mars-hakemus
S08E18 Muistoja lämmöllä
S08E19 Skywalker-rynnistys
S08E20 Linnoittautumissovellus
S08E21 Viestinnän häiriöityminen
S08E22 Valmistujaislähetys
S08E23 Äidillinen ristiriita
S08E24 Sitoutumispäättäväisyys
S09E01 The Matrimonial Momentum
S09E02 The Separation Oscillation
S09E03 The Bachelor Party Corrosion
S09E04 The 2003 Approximation
S09E05 The Perspiration Implementation
S09E06 The Helium Insufficiency
S09E07 The Spock Resonance
S09E08 The Mystery Date Observation
S09E09 The Platonic Permutation
S09E10 The Earworm Reverberation
S09E11 The Opening Night Excitation
S09E12 The Sales Call Sublimation
S09E13 The Empathy Optimization
S09E14 The Meemaw Materialization
S09E15 The Valentino Submergence
S09E16 The Positive Negative Reaction
S09E17 The Celebration Experimentation
S09E18 The Application Deterioration
S09E19 The Solder Excursion Diversion
S09E20 The Big Bear Precipitation
S09E21 The Viewing Party Combustion
S09E22 The Fermentation Bifurcation
S09E23 The Line Substitution Solution
S09E24 The Convergence Convergence
S10E00 "The Big Bang Theory" Recap
S10E01 The Conjugal Conjecture
S10E02 The Military Miniaturization
S10E03 The Dependence Transcendence
S10E04 The Cohabitation Experimentation
S10E05 The Hot Tub Contamination
S10E06 The Fetal Kick Catalyst
S10E07 The Veracity Elasticity
S10E08 The Brain Bowl Incubation
S10E09 The Geology Elevation
S10E10 The Property Division Collision
S10E11 The Birthday Synchronicity
S10E11 The Birthday Synchronicity
S10E12 The Holiday Summation
S10E13 The Romance Recalibration
S10E14 The Emotion Detection Automation
S10E15 The Locomotion Reverberation
S10E16 The Allowance Evaporation
S10E17 The Comic-Con Conundrum
S10E18 The Escape Hatch Identification
S10E19 The Collaboration Fluctuation
S10E20 The Recollection Dissipation
S10E21 The Separation Agitation
S10E22 The Cognition Regeneration
S10E23 The Gyroscopic Collapse
S10E24 The Long Distance Dissonance
S11E01 The Proposal Proposal
S11E02 The Retraction Reaction
S11E03 The Relaxation Integration
S11E04 The Explosion Implosion
S11E05 The Collaboration Contamination
S11E06 The Proton Regeneration
S11E07 The Geology Methodology
S11E08 The Tesla Recoil
S11E09 The Bitcoin Entanglement
S11E10 The Confidence Erosion
S11E11 The Celebration Reverberation
S11E12 The Matrimonial Metric
S11E13 The Solo Oscillation
S11E14 The Separation Triangulation
S11E15 The Novelization Correlation
S11E16 The Neonatal Nomenclature
S11E17 The Athenaeum Allocation
S11E18 The Gates Excitation
S11E19 The Tenant Disassociation
S11E20 The Reclusive Potential
S11E21 The Comet Polarization
S11E22 The Monetary Insufficiency
S11E23 The Sibling Realignment
S11E24 The Bow Tie Asymmetry
S12E01 The Conjugal Configuration
S12E02 The Wedding Gift Wormhole
S12E03 The Procreation Calculation
S12E04 The Tam Turbulence
S12E05 The Planetarium Collision
S12E06 The Imitation Perturbation
S12E07 The Grant Allocation Derivation
S12E08 The Consummation Deviation
S12E09 The Citation Negation
S12E10 The VCR Illumination
S12E11 The Paintball Scattering
S12E12 The Propagation Proposition
S12E13 The Confirmation Polarization
S12E14 The Meteorite Manifestation
S12E15 The Donation Oscillation
S12E16 The D & D Vortex
S12E17 The Conference Valuation
S12E18 The Laureate Accumulation
S12E19 The Inspiration Deprivation
S12E20 The Decision Reverberation
S12E21 The Plagiarism Schism
S12E22 The Maternal Conclusion
S12E23 The Change Constant / The Stockholm Syndrome
S12E24 Unraveling the Mystery: A Big Bang Farewell
The Big Bang Theory - S04E24 The Roommate Transmogrification The.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E24.The.Roomate.Transmogrification.HDTV.XviD-FQM 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S04E24. The. Roomate. Transmogrification. HDTV. XviD-FQMThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E24.The.Roomate.Transmogrification.HDTV.XviD-FQMThe Big Bang Theory - S04E15 The Benefactor Factor The.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E15.The.Benefactor.Factor.HDTV.XviD-FQM 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S04E15. The. Benefactor. Factor. HDTV. XviD-FQMThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E15.The.Benefactor.Factor.HDTV.XviD-FQMThe Big Bang Theory - S04E11 The Justice League Recombination The.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E11.HDTV.XviD-FEVER 0% 4 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S04E11. HDTV. XviD-FEVERThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E11.HDTV.XviD-FEVERThe Big Bang Theory - S04E13 The Love Car Displacement The.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E13.The.Love.Car.Displacement.HDTV.XviD-FQM 0% 5 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S04E13. The. Love. Car. Displacement. HDTV. XviD-FQMThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E13.The.Love.Car.Displacement.HDTV.XviD-FQMThe Big Bang Theory - S04E12 The Bus Pants Utilization The.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E12.PROPER.HDTV.XviD-2HD 0% 1 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S04E12. PROPER. HDTV. XviD-2HDThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E12.PROPER.HDTV.XviD-2HDThe Big Bang Theory - S04E10 The Alien Parasite Hypothesis The.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E10.The.Alien.Parasite.Hypothesis.HDTV.XviD-FQM 0% 5 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S04E10. The. Alien. Parasite. Hypothesis. HDTV. XviD-FQMThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E10.The.Alien.Parasite.Hypothesis.HDTV.XviD-FQMThe Big Bang Theory - S04E02 The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification The.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E02.The.Cruciferous.Vegetable.Amplification.HDTV.XviD-FQM 0% 1 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S04E02. The. Cruciferous. Vegetable. Amplification. HDTV. XviD-FQMThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S04E02.The.Cruciferous.Vegetable.Amplification.HDTV.XviD-FQMThe Big Bang Theory - S05E15 The Friendship Contraction The.Big.Bang.Theory.S05E15.HDTV.XviD-LOL 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S05E15. HDTV. XviD-LOLThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S05E15.HDTV.XviD-LOLThe Big Bang Theory - S05E13 The Recombination Hypothesis The.Big.Bang.Theory.S05E13.HDTV.XviD-ASAP 0% 7 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S05E13. HDTV. XviD-ASAPThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S05E13.HDTV.XviD-ASAPThe Big Bang Theory - S05E02 The Infestation Hypothesis The.Big.Bang.Theory.S05E02.HDTV.XviD-ASAP 0% 1 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S05E02. HDTV. XviD-ASAPThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S05E02.HDTV.XviD-ASAPThe Big Bang Theory - S06E08 The 43 Peculiarity The.Big.Bang.Theory.S06E08.HDTV.x264-LOL 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S06E08. HDTV. x264-LOLThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S06E08.HDTV.x264-LOLThe Big Bang Theory - S06E02 The Decoupling Fluctuation The.Big.Bang.Theory.S06E02.HDTV.x264-LOL 0% 2 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S06E02. HDTV. x264-LOLThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S06E02.HDTV.x264-LOLThe Big Bang Theory - S12E09 The Citation Negation The.Big.Bang.Theory.S12E09.720p.HDTV.2CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S12E09. 720p. HDTV. 2CH. x265. HEVC-PSAThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S12E09.720p.HDTV.2CH.x265.HEVC-PSAThe Big Bang Theory - S12E08 The Consummation Deviation The.Big.Bang.Theory.S12E08.720p.HDTV.2CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S12E08. 720p. HDTV. 2CH. x265. HEVC-PSAThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S12E08.720p.HDTV.2CH.x265.HEVC-PSAThe Big Bang Theory - S12E05 The Planetarium Collision The.Big.Bang.Theory.S12E05.720p.HDTV.2CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 3 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S12E05. 720p. HDTV. 2CH. x265. HEVC-PSAThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S12E05.720p.HDTV.2CH.x265.HEVC-PSAThe Big Bang Theory - S12E02 The Wedding Gift Wormhole The.Big.Bang.Theory.S12E02.720p.HDTV.2CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S12E02. 720p. HDTV. 2CH. x265. HEVC-PSAThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S12E02.720p.HDTV.2CH.x265.HEVC-PSAThe Big Bang Theory - S12E01 The Conjugal Configuration The.Big.Bang.Theory.S12E01.720p.HDTV.2CH.x265.HEVC-PSA 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S12E01. 720p. HDTV. 2CH. x265. HEVC-PSAThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S12E01.720p.HDTV.2CH.x265.HEVC-PSAThe Big Bang Theory - S07E22 The Proton Transmogrification The.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E22.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmed 0% 1 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S07E22. 720p. 5. 1Ch. BluRay. ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E22.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe Big Bang Theory - S07E24 The Status Quo Combustion The.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E24.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmed 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S07E24. 720p. 5. 1Ch. BluRay. ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E24.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe Big Bang Theory - S07E20 The Relationship Diremption The.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E20.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmed 0% 1 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S07E20. 720p. 5. 1Ch. BluRay. ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E20.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe Big Bang Theory - S07E21 The Anything Can Happen Recurrence The.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E21.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmed 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S07E21. 720p. 5. 1Ch. BluRay. ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E21.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe Big Bang Theory - S07E19 The Indecision Amalgamation The.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E19.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmed 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S07E19. 720p. 5. 1Ch. BluRay. ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E19.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe Big Bang Theory - S07E17 The Friendship Turbulence The.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E17.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmed 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S07E17. 720p. 5. 1Ch. BluRay. ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E17.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe Big Bang Theory - S07E18 The Mommy Observation The.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E18.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmed 0% 0 0 7 kuukautta
The. Big. Bang. Theory. S07E18. 720p. 5. 1Ch. BluRay. ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedThe.Big.Bang.Theory.S07E18.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmed