2007 - Darker than Black
Original title: -黒の契約者-
Dieci anni fa, una misteriosa anomalia spaziale ora nota come "Heaven's Gate" apparve in Sud America, seguita poco dopo dall'apertura di "Hell's Gate" a Tokyo che alterò il cielo e devastò il paesaggio. Le vere stelle scomparvero, sostituite da false stelle. Durante questo periodo, emersero persone in possesso di varie abilità speciali - chiamate "Appaltatori", ciascuna capace di diverse imprese soprannaturali. In seguito alla disastrosa Guerra del Cielo, gli Stati Uniti hanno perso la loro posizione dominante come superpotenza a favore di una misteriosa organizzazione chiamata Syndicate. La storia ruota attorno a un imprenditore cinese con nome in codice "Hei" mentre intraprende varie missioni di spionaggio e assassinio a Tokyo. themoviedb
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Darker than Black subtitles for episodes from season 1
S01E01 The Star of Contract Flowed... (Part 1)
S01E01 The Star of Contract Flowed... (Part 1)
S01E02 The Star of Contract Flowed... (Part 2)
S01E03 The Nova Glitters in the Daybreak Sky...(Part 1)
S01E04 The Nova Glitters in the Daybreak Sky...(Part 2)
S01E05 A Crimson Dream of Disaster Disappears in Eastern Europe... (Part 1)
S01E05 "Darker Than Black" OVA: Gaiden Part 4
S01E06 A Crimson Dream of Disaster Disappears in Eastern Europe... (Part 2)
S01E07 The Gardenia Releases its Fragrance in the Early Summer Rain... (Part 1)
S01E08 The Gardenia Releases its Fragrance in the Early Summer Rain... (Part 2)
S01E09 Girl's Pure White Dress Stained by Dreams and Blood... (Part 1)
S01E10 Girl's Pure White Dress Stained by Dreams and Blood... (Part 2)
S01E11 Beyond the Gate, Recovering the Lost... (Part 1)
S01E12 Beyond the Gate, Recovering the Lost... (Part 2)
S01E13 On a Silver Night, the Heart Does not Sway on the Water's Surface... (Part 1)
S01E14 On a Silver Night, the Heart Does not Sway on the Water's Surface... (Part 2)
S01E15 The Memory of Betrayal is an Amber-Colored Smile... (Part 1)
S01E16 The Memory of Betrayal is an Amber-Colored Smile... (Part 2)
S01E17 I'll Sing a Love Song at the Garbage Dump... (Part 1)
S01E18 I'll Sing a Love Song at the Garbage Dump... (Part 2)
S01E19 Without Dreaming Shallow Dreams, and Falling Drunk... (Part 1)
S01E20 Without Dreaming Shallow Dreams, and Falling Drunk... (Part 2)
S01E21 The City of Regulations is Moistened by Tears... (Part 1)
S01E22 The City of Regulations is Moistened by Tears... (Part 2)
S01E23 God's in His Heaven...
S01E24 Meteor Shower
S01E25 Is the Dream that a God of Death Has a Darkness Darker than Black?