2013 - Mistresses
Four friends. Four hearts. 13 weeks of seduction.
Mistresses – Amanti è una serie tv del 2013 di origine statunitense creata da K.J. Steinberg per la ABC. Le protagoniste sono quattro amiche alle prese con i propri drammi quotidiani, lavorativi ma soprattutto amorosi: Savannah detta Savi (Alyssa Milano, Streghe), una donna in carriera in un ufficio legale; Josselyn (Jes Macallan), la sorella più giovane di Savi, che è uno spirito libero, capricciosa, vive da single, partecipa a festini e finisce costantemente per fare affidamento sulla sorella. April (Rochelle Aytes), vedova e madre di due figli, sta ricostruendo la sua vita dopo la tragedia e, con l’aiuto delle amiche, cerca di andare avanti. Infine c’è Karen (Yunjin Kim, Lost), una psicologa di successo, la quale si riunisce alle amiche dopo che la complicata relazione con un paziente si spinge troppo oltre. themoviedb
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Mistresses subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 The Morning After
S01E03 Breaking and Entering
S01E04 A Kiss Is Just a Kiss?
S01E05 Decisions, Decisions
S01E06 Payback
S01E07 All In
S01E08 Ultimatum
S01E09 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
S01E10 Indecent Proposals
S01E11 Full Disclosure
S01E12 When One Door Closes...
S01E13 I Choose You
S02E01 Rebuild
S02E02 Boundaries
S02E03 Open House
S02E04 Friends With Benefits
S02E05 Playing With Fire
S02E06 What Do You Really Want?
S02E07 Why Do Fools Fall in Love?
S02E08 An Affair to Surrender
S02E09 Coming Clean
S02E10 Charades
S02E11 Choices
S02E12 Surprise
S02E13 'Til Death Do Us Part
S03E01 Gone Girl
S03E02 I'll Be Watching You
S03E03 Odd Couples
S03E04 Into the Woods
S03E05 Threesomes
S03E06 Love Is an Open Door
S03E07 The Best Laid Plans
S03E08 Murder She Wrote
S03E09 Unreliable Witnesses
S03E10 What Could Have Been
S03E11 Guilt by Association
S03E12 Reasonable Doubt
S03E13 Goodbye Girl
S04E01 The New Girls
S04E02 Mistaken Identity
S04E03 Under Pressure
S04E04 Blurred Lines
S04E05 Lean In
S04E06 What Happens In Vegas
S04E07 Survival of the Fittest
S04E08 Bridge Over Troubled Water
S04E09 The Root of All Evil
S04E10 Confrontations
S04E11 Fight or Flight
S04E12 Back to the Start
S04E13 The Show Must Go On
Mistresses - S04E12 Back to the Start Mistresses.US.s04e12.WEB-DL.italiansubs 0% 54 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e12. WEB-DL. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e12.WEB-DL.italiansubsMistresses - S04E12 Back to the Start Mistresses.US.s04e12.720p.italiansubs 0% 55 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e12. 720p. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e12.720p.italiansubsMistresses - S04E12 Back to the Start Mistresses.US.s04e12.italiansubs 0% 51 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e12. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e12.italiansubsMistresses - S04E13 The Show Must Go On Mistresses_s04e13.FLEET_Subspedia 0% 120 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses_s04e13. FLEET_SubspediaMistresses_s04e13.FLEET_SubspediaMistresses - S04E13 The Show Must Go On Mistresses 4x13.HDTV.x264-FLEET.Subs4you 0% 99 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses 4x13. HDTV. x264-FLEET. Subs4youMistresses 4x13.HDTV.x264-FLEET.Subs4youMistresses - S04E12 Back to the Start Mistresses (US) - 04x12 - Back to the Start.KILLERS.Italian.C.orig.Addic7ed.com 0% 78 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses (US) - 04x12 - Back to the Start. KILLERS. Italian. C. orig. Addic7ed. comMistresses (US) - 04x12 - Back to the Start.KILLERS.Italian.C.orig.Addic7ed.comMistresses - S04E12 Back to the Start Mistresses.US.S04E12.HDTV.x264-KILLERS[eztv] 0% 110 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. S04E12. HDTV. x264-KILLERS[eztv]Mistresses.US.S04E12.HDTV.x264-KILLERS[eztv]Mistresses - S04E12 Back to the Start Mistresses_s04e12.KILLERS_Subspedia 0% 163 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses_s04e12. KILLERS_SubspediaMistresses_s04e12.KILLERS_SubspediaMistresses - S04E11 Fight or Flight Mistresses.US.s04e11.WEB-DL.italiansubs 0% 66 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e11. WEB-DL. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e11.WEB-DL.italiansubsMistresses - S04E11 Fight or Flight Mistresses.US.s04e11.720p.italiansubs 0% 41 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e11. 720p. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e11.720p.italiansubsMistresses - S04E11 "Mistresses" Fight or Flight Mistresses.US.s04e11.italiansubs 0% 65 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e11. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e11.italiansubsMistresses - S04E11 Fight or Flight Mistresses 4x11.HDTV.x264-LOL.Subs4you 0% 74 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses 4x11. HDTV. x264-LOL. Subs4youMistresses 4x11.HDTV.x264-LOL.Subs4youMistresses - S4E11
Mistresses_s04e11_SubspediaMistresses_s04e11_Subspedia"Mistresses" Fight or Flight Mistresses_s04e11_Subspedia 0% 131 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses - S04E10 Confrontations Mistresses.US.s04e10.WEB-DL.italiansubs 0% 121 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e10. WEB-DL. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e10.WEB-DL.italiansubsMistresses - S04E10 Confrontations Mistresses.US.s04e10.italiansubs 0% 101 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e10. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e10.italiansubsMistresses - S04E10 Confrontations Mistresses_s04e10.KILLERS_Subspedia 0% 168 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses_s04e10. KILLERS_SubspediaMistresses_s04e10.KILLERS_SubspediaMistresses - S04E10 Confrontations Mistresses.US.S04E10.HDTV.x264-KILLERS[eztv] 0% 130 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. S04E10. HDTV. x264-KILLERS[eztv]Mistresses.US.S04E10.HDTV.x264-KILLERS[eztv]Mistresses - S04E09 The Root of All Evil Mistresses.US.s04e09.WEB-DL.italiansubs 0% 69 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e09. WEB-DL. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e09.WEB-DL.italiansubsMistresses - S4E9
Mistresses. US. s04e09. 720p. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e09.720p.italiansubs"Mistresses" The Root of All Evil Mistresses.US.s04e09.720p.italiansubs 0% 31 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses - S04E08 Bridge Over Troubled Water Mistresses.US.s04e08.WEB-DL.italiansubs 0% 59 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e08. WEB-DL. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e08.WEB-DL.italiansubsMistresses - S04E08 Bridge Over Troubled Water Mistresses.US.s04e08.720p.italiansubs 0% 52 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e08. 720p. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e08.720p.italiansubsMistresses - S04E09 The Root of All Evil Mistresses.US.s04e09.italiansubs 0% 98 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e09. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e09.italiansubsMistresses - S04E08 "Mistresses" Bridge Over Troubled Water Mistresses.US.s04e08.italiansubs 0% 60 0 oltre 8 anni
Mistresses. US. s04e08. italiansubsMistresses.US.s04e08.italiansubsMistresses - S04E09 The Root of All Evil Mistresses_s04e09_Subspedia 0% 166 0 oltre 8 anni