2021 - The Duke of Death and His Maid
Original title: 死神坊ちゃんと黒メイド
A causa di una maledizione infantile, tutto ciò che il Duca tocca morirà, il che rende il comportamento della sua cameriera civettuola ancora più scioccante! Riusciranno il Duca e i suoi compagni a spezzare la maledizione, o è condannato a una vita in cui l'amore è per sempre fuori dalla sua portata? themoviedb
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The Duke of Death and His Maid subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 "Il Duca e Alice"
S01E02 "Il duca, il suo maggiordomo e un gatto smarrito"
S01E03 "Il Duca e la pioggia di meteoriti durante la luna piena"
S01E04 "Il Duca, Alice e i ricordi della neve"
S01E05 "Il giovane maestro, l'uccello e il pattino"
S01E06 Il Duca, Alice e una notte nel mondo delle streghe
S01E07 La giornata movimentata del duca e di Alice
S01E08 Neve bianca, vestiti neri
S01E09 Il Duca, Alice e il voto della vigilia di Natale
S01E10 Il Duca, Alice e una canzone per due
S01E11 Il duca e la magia segreta
S01E12 Insieme al Duca...
S02E01 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" The Duke, Alice, and the Magic Pool
S02E02 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #2.2
S02E03 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #2.3
S02E04 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #2.4
S02E08 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #2.8
S02E10 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" The Duke, Alice, and the Flying Broom
S02E11 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" The Duke, Alice, and the Wizardry School
S02E12 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" The Duke, Alice, and the Curse Witch
S02E17 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Cuff, Zain, and the Confession
S02E18 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" The Duke and Everyone's Daily Life
S02E19 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #2.7
S02E21 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" The Duke, Alice, and the Second Anniversary
S03E01 Episode #3.1
S03E02 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #3.2
S03E04 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" The Duke, Alice, and Sade's Love
S03E06 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #3.6
S03E07 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #3.7
S03E08 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #3.8
S03E09 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #3.9
S03E10 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #3.10
S03E11 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Friends, a Broken Curse, and Then...
S03E27 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" The Duke, Alice, and Mother and Mother
S03E29 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #3.5
S03E36 "The Duke of Death and His Maid" Episode #3.12