2022 - SkyMed
Vita, morte e dramma a 20.000 piedi. La serie intreccia intensi viaggi dei personaggi e salvataggi medici ad alto rischio, mentre seguiamo i trionfi, i crepacuori e le tribolazioni di infermieri e piloti in erba che volano su ambulanze aeree nel remoto Canada settentrionale. Sono tutti sopra le loro teste e da soli, senza nessuno su cui fare affidamento se non l'uno sull'altro. themoviedb
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SkyMed subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilots and Nurses and Bears, Oh My
S01E02 Line Indoc
S01E03 The Kids Are Alright
S01E04 Where There's Smoke
S01E05 Bushwhacked
S01E06 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
S01E07 Daj Mi Buzi
S01E08 Frozen
S01E09 Leave It All on the Ice
S02E01 Return to Base
S02E02 Spun Out
S02E03 Things That Matter Most
S02E04 Turbulence
S02E05 Code Silver
S02E06 Little Lies
S02E07 Old Wounds
S02E08 Before Sunrise, After Sunset
S02E09 Out with a Bang
S03E01 Arrivals, Departures
S03E02 The Fire
S03E03 Ride Along
S03E04 Stuck
S03E05 Marianncing the Stone
S03E07 Altitude
S03E08 Clarity
S03E09 Chasing Sunsets
SkyMed - S01E09 Leave It All on the Ice SkyMed_S01E09_[AMZN WEBRrip] 0% 26 0 circa 2 anni
SkyMed_S01E09_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed_S01E09_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed - S01E08 Frozen SkyMed_S01E08_[AMZN WEBRrip] 0% 17 0 circa 2 anni
SkyMed_S01E08_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed_S01E08_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed - S01E07 Daj Mi Buzi SkyMed_S01E07_[AMZN WEBRrip] 0% 80 0 circa 2 anni
SkyMed_S01E07_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed_S01E07_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed - S01E06 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun SkyMed_S01E06_[AMZN WEBRrip] 0% 46 0 circa 2 anni
SkyMed_S01E06_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed_S01E06_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed - S01E05 Bushwhacked SkyMed_S01E05_[AMZN WEBRrip] 0% 40 0 circa 2 anni
SkyMed_S01E05_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed_S01E05_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed - S01E04 Where There's Smoke SkyMed_S01E04_[AMZN WEBRrip] 0% 83 0 circa 2 anni
SkyMed_S01E04_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed_S01E04_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed - S01E03 The Kids Are Alright SkyMed_S01E03_[AMZN WEBRrip] 0% 74 0 circa 2 anni
SkyMed_S01E03_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed_S01E03_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed - S01E02 Line Indoc SkyMed_S01E02_[AMZN WEBRrip] 0% 84 0 circa 2 anni
SkyMed_S01E02_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed_S01E02_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed - S01E01 Pilots and Nurses and Bears, Oh My SkyMed_S01E01_[AMZN WEBRrip] 0% 101 0 circa 2 anni
SkyMed_S01E01_[AMZN WEBRrip]SkyMed_S01E01_[AMZN WEBRrip]