1999 - One Piece
Set sail for One Piece!
Original title: ワンピース
海賊王を夢見る少年モンキー・D・ルフィを主人公とする、「ひとつなぎの大秘宝(ワンピース)」を巡る海洋冒険ロマン。 themoviedb
One Piece subtitles for episodes from season 1
S01E01 俺はルフィ!海賊王になる男だ!
S01E02 大剣豪現る!海賊狩りロロノア・ゾロ
S01E03 モーガンVSルフィ!謎の美少女は誰??
S01E04 ルフィの過去!赤髪のシャンクス登場
S01E05 恐怖!謎の力・海賊道化バギー船長!
S01E06 絶体絶命!猛獣使いモージ VS ルフィ!
S01E07 壮絶決闘!剣豪ゾロ VS 曲芸のカバジ!
S01E08 勝者はどっち?悪魔の実の能力対決!
S01E09 正義のうそつき?キャプテンウソップ
S01E10 史上最強の変な奴!催眠術師ジャンゴ
S01E11 陰謀を暴け!海賊執事キャプテンク
S01E12 激突!クロネコ海賊団坂道の大攻防!
S01E13 恐怖の二人組!ニャーバン兄弟VSゾロ
S01E14 ルフィ復活!カヤお嬢様の決死の抵抗
S01E15 クロを倒せ!男ウソップ涙の決意
S01E16 カヤを守れ!ウソップ海賊団大活躍!
S01E17 怒り爆発!クロVSルフィ決着の行方!
S01E18 あんたが珍獣!ガイモンと奇妙な仲間
S01E19 三刀流の過去!ゾロとくいなの誓い!
S01E20 名物コック!海上レストランのサンジ
S01E21 招かれざる客!サンジの飯とギン恩
S01E22 最強の海賊艦隊!提督ドン・クリーク
S01E23 守れバラティエ!大海賊・赫足のゼフ
S01E24 鷹の目のミホーク!剣豪ゾロ海に散る
S01E25 必殺足技炸裂!サンジVS鉄壁のパール
S01E26 ゼフとサンジの夢・幻のオールブルー
S01E27 冷徹非常の鬼人・海賊艦隊総隊長ギン
S01E28 死なねェよ!激闘ルフィVSクリーク!
S01E29 死闘の決着!腹にくくった一本の槍!
S01E30 旅立ち!海のコックはルフィとともに
S01E31 東の海最悪の男!魚人海賊アーロン
S01E32 ココヤシ村の魔女!アーロンの女幹部
S01E33 ウソップ死す?!ルフィ上陸はまだ?
S01E34 全員集結!ウソップが語るナミの真実
S01E35 秘められた過去!女戦士ベルメール!
S01E36 生き抜け!母ベルメールとナミの絆!
S01E37 ルフィ立つ!裏切られた約束の結末!
S01E38 ルフィ大ピンチ!魚人VSルフィ海賊団
S01E39 ルフィ水没!ゾロvsタコのはっちゃん
S01E40 誇り高き戦士!激闘サンジとウソップ
S01E41 ルフィ全開!ナミの決意と麦わら帽子
S01E42 炸裂!魚人アーロン海からの猛攻撃!
S01E43 魚人帝国の終わり!ナミは俺の仲間だ!
S01E44 笑顔の旅立ち!さらば故郷ココヤシ村
S01E45 賞金首!麦わらのルフィ世に知れ渡る
S01E46 麦わらを追え!小さなバギーの大冒険
S01E47 お待ちかね!あぁ復活のバギー船長!
S01E48 始まりと終りの町・ローグタウン上陸
S01E49 三代鬼徹と雪走!ゾロの新刀と女曹長
S01E50 ウソップVS子連れのダディ真昼の決闘
S01E51 炎の料理バトル?サンジVS美人シェフ
S01E52 バギーのリベンジ!処刑台で笑う男!
S01E53 伝説は始まった!目指せ偉大なる航路(グランドライン)
S01E54 新たなる冒険の頼エ!謎の少女アピス
S01E55 奇跡の生物!アピスの秘密と伝説の島
S01E56 エリック出撃!軍艦島からの大脱出!
S01E57 絶海の孤島!伝説のロストアイランド
S01E58 廃墟の決闘!緊迫のゾロ対エリック!
S01E59 ルフィ完全包囲!提督ネルャ唐フ秘策
S01E60 大空を舞うもの!蘇る千年の伝説!
S01E61 怒りの決着!赤い大陸(レッドライン)を乗り越えろ!
S01E65 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Sakuretsu Santouryuu! Zoro VS Baroque Works!
S01E79 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Kishuu! Bliking Gou to Blik no Wapol
S01E80 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Isha no Inai Shima? Na mo Naki Kuni no Bouken!
S01E82 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Dolton no Kakugo! Wapol Gundan Shima ni Jouriku
S01E84 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Tonakai wa Aoppana! Chopper no Himitsu
S01E85 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Hamidashi Mono no Yume! Yabuisha Hiluluk!
S01E87 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Versus Wapol Gundan! Bakubaku no Mi no Nouryoku!
S01E88 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Zoan-kei Akuma no Mi! Chopper Nanadan Henkei
S01E89 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Oukoku no Shihai Owaru Toki! Shinnen no Hata wa Eien ni
S01E91 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Sayonara Drum-tou! Boku wa Umi e Deru!
S01E92 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Arabasta no Eiyuu to Senjou no Ballerina
S01E93 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Iza Sabaku no Kuni e! Ame o Yobu Kona to Hanrangun
S01E94 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Gouketsu-tachi no Saikai! Yatsu no Na wa Hiken no Ace
S01E95 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Ace to Luffy! Atsuki Omoi to Kyoudai no Kizuna
S01E96 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Midori no Machi Erumaru to Kung Fu Jugon!
S01E97 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Suna no Kuni no Bouken! Ennetsu no Daichi ni Sumu Mamono
S01E98 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Sabaku no Kaizokudan Toujou! Jiyuu ni Ikiru Otoko-tachi
S01E99 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Nisemono no Iji! Kokoro no Hanrangun Kamyu!
S01E100 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Hanrangun Senshi Kouza! Vivi ni Chikatta Yume!
S01E101 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Kagerou no Kettou! Ace vs Otoko Scorpion
S01E102 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Iseki to Mayoigo! Vivi to Nakama to Kuni no Katachi
S01E103 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Spiders Cafe ni 8-ji Teki Kanbu Shuugou
S01E104 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Luffy Tai Vivi! Nakama ni Kakeru Namida no Chikai
S01E105 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Alabasta Sensen! Yume no Machi Rainbase
S01E106 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Zettai Zetsumei no Wana! Rain Dinners Totsunyuu
S01E107 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Utopia Sakusen Hatsudou! Ugokidashita Uneri
S01E108 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Kyoufu no Bananawani to Mr. Prince
S01E109 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Gyakuten Dai Dasshutsu e no Kagi! Doru-Doru Ball!
S01E110 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Nasake Muyou no Shitou! Luffy vs Crocodile
S01E111 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Kiseki e no Shissou! Arabasta Doubutsu Land
S01E112 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Hanrangun Tai Kokuougun! Kessen wa Alubarna!
S01E114 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Nakama no Yume ni Chikau! Kettou Mogurazuka 4-bangai
S01E115 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Honjitsu Daikoukai! Mane-Mane Montage!
S01E315 "Wan pisu" Sono Na wa Shinsekai! Grand Line no Yukue
S01E337 "One Piece" Ma no Umi Totsunyuu! Kiri ni Ukabu Nazo no Gaikotsu
S01E349 "One Piece" Luffy Kinkyuujitai! Saikyou no Kage no Ikisaki
S01E412 "One Piece" Hijou no Sabaki! Ishi ni Sareta Margaret!!
S01E420 "One Piece" Nakama-tachi no Yukue: Shima o Tsunagu Hashi to Shokujin Shokubutsu
S01E426 "One Piece" Eiga Rendou Special: Ugokidasu Kinjishi no Yabou
S01E428 "One Piece" Eiga Rendou Special: Amigo Kaizokudan no Moukou
S01E432 "One Piece" Tokihanatareta Swan! Saikai! Bon Clay
S01E437 "One Piece" Dachi Dakara: Bon Clay Kesshi no Kyuushutsukou
S01E460 "One Piece" Kyodai Kantai Arawaru: Shuurai! Shirohige Kaizokudan
S01E482 "One Piece" Hi o mo Yaki Tsukusu Chikara: Akainu Hijou no Tsuigeki
S01E484 "One Piece" Kaigun Honbu Houkai! Shirohige Kotobanaki Ikari!
S01E485 "One Piece" Kejime o Tsukeru: Shirohige vs Kurohige Kaizokudan
S01E508 "One Piece" Senchou no Moto e: Sorajima no Datsugoku to Fuyujima no Jiken
S01E511 "One Piece" Masaka no Saijouriku! Luffy Marineford e!
S01E512 "One Piece" Nakama ni Todoke: Kakemeguru Dai News!
S01E548 "One Piece" Oukoku Gekishin: Neptune Shokei Shirei
S01E554 "One Piece" Dai Gekitotsu! Mugiwara Ichimi VS 10 Man no Teki
S01E709 "One Piece" Kanbu Kessen: Hokori Takaki Hajrudin
S01E710 "One Piece" Ai no Kessen: Shintouryou Sai tai Baby 5
S01E711 "One Piece" Otoko no Iji: Bellamy Saigo no Totsugeki!
S01E721 "One Piece" Law Shisu: Luffy Fundo no Moukougeki!
S01E722 "One Piece" Shuunen no Yaiba: Gyakushuu no Gamma Knife!
S01E724 "One Piece" Kougeki Funou: Trebol Shougeki no Himitsu
S01E725 "One Piece" Ikari Bakuhatsu: Ore ga Zenbu Hikiukeru
S01E735 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Zendaimimon: Taishou Fujitora Shougeki no Ketsudan!
S01E780 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Harapeko Sensen: Luffy to Kaigun Rookie!
S01E806 大空を舞うもの!蘇る千年の伝説!
S01E807 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Kanashiki Kettou: Luffy tai Sanji (Zenpen)
S01E810 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Bouken no Owari: Sanji Ketsui no Propose
S01E818 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Fukutsu no Soul: Brook tai Big Mom
S01E824 "Wan pisu" The Rendezvous! Luffy, a One-on-One at His Limit!
S01E825 "One Piece" A Liar! Luffy and Sanji!!
S01E826 "One Piece" Sanji Comes Back! Crash! The Tea Party from Hell!
S01E828 "One Piece" The Deadly Pact! Luffy & Bege's Allied Forces!
S01E829 "One Piece" Luffy Engages in a Secret Maneuver! The Wedding Full of Conspiracies Starts Soon!
S01E830 "One Piece" The Family Gets Together! The Hellish Tea Party Starts!
S01E831 "One Piece" The Broken Couple! Sanji and Pudding Enter!
S01E832 "One Piece" A Deadly Kiss! The Mission to Assassinate the Emperor Kicks Off!
S01E833 "One Piece" Returning the Sake Cup! The Manly Jimbei Pays His Debt!
S01E834 "One Piece" The Mission Failed?! The Big Mom Pirates Strike Back!
S01E835 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Run, Sanji! SOS! Germa 66!
S01E836 Mom's Secret! The Giant's Island Elbaph and a Little Monster!
S01E837 "One Piece" The Birth of Mom! The Day That Carmel Vanished!
S01E838 "One Piece" The Launcher Blasts! The Moment of Big Mom's Assassination!
S01E839 "One Piece" The Evil Army! Transform! Germa 66!
S01E840 "One Piece" Cutting the Father-Son Relationship! Sanji and Judge!
S01E841 "One Piece" Escape From the Tea Party! Luffy vs. Big Mom!
S01E842 "One Piece" The Execution Begins! Luffy's Allied Forces Are Annihilated?!"
S01E843 "One Piece" The Chateau Collapses! The Straw Hat's Great Escape Begins!
S01E844 "One Piece" The Spear of Elbaph! Onslaught! The Flying Big Mom!
S01E845 "One Piece" Pudding's Determination! Ablaze! The Seducing Woods!
S01E846 "One Piece: Wan pisu" A Lightning Counterattack! Nami and Zeus the Thundercloud!
S01E847 "Wan pisu" A Coincidental Reunion! Sanji and the Lovestruck Evil Pudding!
S01E848 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Save the Sunny! Fighting Bravely! Chopper and Brook!
S01E849 "One Piece" Before the Dawn! Pedro, the Captain of the Guardians!
S01E850 "One Piece" I'll Be Back! Luffy, Deadly Departure!
S01E851 "One Piece" The Man with a Bounty of Billion! The Strongest Sweet General, Katakuri!
S01E852 "One Piece: Wan pisu" A Hard Battle Starts! Luffy vs. Katakuri!
S01E853 "One Piece" The Green Room! An Invincible Helmsman, Jimbei!
S01E854 "One Piece: Wan pisu" The Threat of the Mole! Luffy's Silent Fight!
S01E855 "One Piece: Wan pisu" The End of the Deadly Battle?! Katakuri's Awakening in Anger!
S01E856 "One Piece: Wan pisu" The Forbidden Secret! Katakuri's Merienda!
S01E857 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Luffy Fights Back! The Invincible Katakuri's Weak Point!
S01E858 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Another Crisis! Gear Four vs. Unstoppable Donuts!
S01E859 "One Piece: Wan pisu" The Rebellious Daughter, Chiffon! Sanji's Big Plan for Transporting the Cake!
S01E860 "One Piece: Wan pisu" The Cake Sank?! Sanji and Bege's Getaway Battle!
S01E861 "One Piece: Wan pisu" The Cake Sank?! Sanji and Bege's Getaway Battle!
S01E862 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Sulong! Carrot's Big Mystic Transformation!
S01E863 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Break Through! The Straw Hat's Mighty Sea Battle!
S01E864 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Finally Clash - Yonko VS Straw Hat Crew
S01E865 "One Piece" Dark King's Direct Precepts! The Battle Against Katakuri Turns Around!
S01E866 "One Piece" Finally He Returns! Sanji, the Man Who'll Stop the Emperor of the Sea!
S01E867 "One Piece" Lurking in the Darkness! An Assassin Targeting Luffy!
S01E868 "One Piece" One Man's Determination! Katakuri's Deadly Big Fight!
S01E869 "One Piece" Wake Up! The Color of Observation Able to Top the Strongest!
S01E870 "One Piece" A Fist of Divine Speed! Another Gear Four Application Activated!
S01E871 "Wan pisu" Finally Concluded - An Outcome of the Fierce Battle with Katakuri
S01E872 "One Piece: Wan pisu" A Desperate Situation! The Iron-Tight Entrapment of Luffy!
S01E873 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Pulling Back from the Brink! The Formidable Reinforcements - Germa!
S01E874 "One Piece: Wan pisu" The Last Hope! The Sun Pirates Emerge!
S01E875 "One Piece: Wan pisu" A Fascinating Taste - Sanji's Cake of Happiness
S01E876 "One Piece" The Man of Humanity and Justice - Jinbe, a Desperate Massive Ocean Current
S01E877 "One Piece" Time for Farewell! Pudding's One Last Request!
S01E878 "One Piece" The World in Shock! The Fifth Emperor of the Sea Arrives!
S01E879 "One Piece: Wan pisu" To the Levely! Gathering of the Straw Hat Allies!
S01E880 Sabo Goes into Action! All the Captains of the Revolutionary Army Appear!
S01E881 "One Piece" Going into Action! The Implacable New Admiral of the Fleet - Sakazuki
S01E882 "One Piece" The Paramount War! The Inherited Will of the King of the Pirates!
S01E883 "One Piece: Wan pisu" One Step Ahead of the Dream - Shirahoshi's Path to the Sun!
S01E884 "One Piece: Wan pisu" I Miss Him! Vivi and Rebecca's Sentiments!
S01E885 "One Piece: Wan pisu" In the Dark Recesses of the Holyland! A Mysterious Giant Straw Hat!
S01E886 "One Piece: Wan pisu" The Uproarious Holy Land - Princess Shirahoshi is being targeted!
S01E887 "One Piece: Wan pisu" On the Verge - The Two Yonko Targeting Luffy
S01E888 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Sabo Gets Angry - Tragedy of the Revolutionary Army Officer Kuma
S01E889 "One Piece" Finally, It Starts! The Conspiracy-filled Reverie!
S01E890 "One Piece" Marco! The Keeper of Whitebeard's Last Memento!
S01E891 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Climbing Up a Waterfall! A Great Journey Through the Land of Wano's Sea Zone!
S01E892 "One Piece" Wano Country! To the Land of Dancing Sakura and Samurai
S01E893 "Wan pisu" Otama Appears! Luffy vs. Kaido's Army!
S01E894 "Wan pisu" He'll Come! The Legend of Ace in the Land of Wano!
S01E895 "Wan pisu" Side Story! The World's Greatest Bounty Hunter, Cidre!
S01E896 "Wan pisu" Side Story! Clash! Luffy vs. the King of Carbonation!
S01E897 "Wan pisu" Save Otama! Straw Hat, Bounding through the Wasteland!
S01E898 "Wan pisu" The Headliner! Hawkings the Magician Appears!
S01E899 "Wan pisu" Defeat is Inevitable! The Strawman's Fierce Attack!
S01E900 "Wan pisu" The Greatest Day of My Life! Otama and Her Sweet Red-bean Soup!
S01E901 "Wan pisu" Entering Enemy Territory! The Protagonists Spread into the Town of Bakura!
S01E902 "Wan pisu" The Yokozuna Appears! The Invincible Urashima Goes After Okiku!
S01E903 "Wan pisu" A Climatic Sumo Battle! Straw Hat vs. the Strongest Ever Yokozuna!
S01E904 "Wan pisu" Luffy Rages! Rescue Otama from Danger!
S01E905 "One Piece" Fighting for Otama! Fight against Holdem!
S01E906 "Wan pisu" Duel! The Magician and the Surgeon of Death!
S01E907 "Wan pisu" Romance Dawn
S01E908 "Wan pisu" The Coming of the Treasure Ship! Luffytaro Returns the Favor!
S01E909 "Wan pisu" Nazo no Bohyo - Oden Joseki de no Saikai!
S01E910 "One Piece" A Legendary Samurai! The Man Who Roger Admired!
S01E911 "One Piece" Bringing Down the Emperor of the Sea! A Secret Raid Operation Begins!
S01E912 The Strongest Man in the World! Shutenmaru, the Thieves Brigade Chief!
S01E913 "One Piece" Everyone is Annihilated! Kaido's Furious Blast Breath!
S01E915 Hakai-teki! Ichigeki Hissatsu no Raimei Hakke!
S01E916 Iki-jigoku! Rufi Kutsujoku no Dai Tankutsu-jo
S01E917 The Holyland in Tumult! Emperor of the Sea Blackbeard Cackles!
S01E918 "One Piece" Ugokidasu - Dato Kaido Daikeikaku!
S01E919 "One Piece" Rampage! The Prisoners - Luffy and Kid!
S01E920 "One Piece" Dai Hyoban! Sanji no Ohako Soba!
S01E921 Goka Kenran - Wano Kuni Ichi no Bijo: Komurasaki
S01E922 "One Piece" A Tale of Chivalry! Zoro and Tonoyasu's Little Trip!
S01E923 "One Piece" A State of Emergency! Big Mom Closes in!
S01E924 "One Piece" The Capital in an Uproar! Another Assassin Targets Sanji!
S01E925 "One Piece" Dashing! The Righteous Soba Mask!
S01E926 "One Piece" Zettai Zetsumei - Kyoi no Orochi Oniwabanshu
S01E927 "One Piece" Shura-jo! Osoreru Daija Shogun Orochi
S01E928 "One Piece" The Flower Falls! The Final Moment of the Most Beautiful Woman in the Land of Wano!
S01E929 "One Piece" The Bond Between Prisoners! Luffy and Old Man Hyo!
S01E930 "One Piece" A Lead Performer! Queen the Plague Emerges!
S01E931 "One Piece" Goes up. Luffy's Desperate Escape!
S01E932 "One Piece" Dead or Alive! Queen's Sumo Inferno!
S01E933 "One Piece" Gyukimaru! Zoro Fights a Duel on Bandit's Bridge
S01E934 "One Piece" A Big Turnover! The Three-Sword Style Overcomes Danger!
S01E935 "One Piece" Zoro, Stunned! The Shocking Identity of the Mysterious Woman!
S01E936 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Get the Hang of It! The Land of Wano's Haki - Ryuo!
S01E937 "One Piece: Wan pisu" Tonoyasu! Ebisu's most beloved!
S01E938 "One Piece" Shaking the nation. The identity of Ushimitsu Kozo
S01E939 "One Piece" The Straw Hats are running! Save the captive Tonoyasu
S01E940 "One Piece" Zoro's Fury! The Truth About the Smile!
S01E941 "One Piece" Toko's Tears! Orochi's Pitiless Bullets!
S01E942 "One Piece" The Straw Hats Step In! An Uproarious Deadly Battle at the Execution Ground!
S01E943 "One Piece" Luffy's Determination! Win Through the Sumo Inferno!
S01E944 "One Piece" The Coming of the Storm! Big Mom's Great Rampage!
S01E945 "One Piece" A Grudge Over Oshiruko - Luffy Gets into a Desperate Situation
S01E946 "One Piece" Stop the Emperor of the Sea! Queen's Secret Plan!
S01E947 "One Piece" The Ultimate Weapon! Excite Bullets Aimed at Luffy
S01E948 "One Piece" Start Fighting Back! Luffy and the Red Scabbard Samurai!
S01E949 We're Here to Win! Luffy's Desperate Scream!
S01E950 "One Piece" Warriors' Dream! Luffy's Conquer of Udon!
S01E951 "One Piece" Orochi's Pursuers! Ninja Army Corps vs. Zoro
S01E952 "One Piece" Tension Rises in Onigashima! Two Emperors of the Sea Meet?!
S01E953 "One Piece" Hiyori's Confession! Reunion on Oihagi Bridge
S01E954 "One Piece" Its Name is Enma! Oden's Meito!
S01E955 "One Piece" "A New Alliance?! Kaido's Army Gathers"
S01E956 "One Piece" Ticking Down to the Great Battle! The Straw Hats Go into Combat Mode!
S01E957 "One Piece" Big News! The Warlords Attack Incident
S01E958 "One Piece" "The Legendary Battle! Garp and Roger"
S01E959 "One Piece" "The Promised Port - Opening of Third Act of Wano Country!"
S01E960 "One Piece" "The Greatest Samurai of Wano Country! Kozuki Oden Appears!"
S01E961 "One Piece" "The Crying Apprentice! Oden and Kin'emon!"
S01E962 "One Piece" Changing Destiny - The Whitebeard Pirates Cast Ashore!
S01E963 "One Piece" Oden's Determination! Whitebeard's Trials!
S01E964 "One Piece" Whitebeard's Little Brother! Oden's Great Adventure!
S01E965 "One Piece" Blades Crossed! Roger and Whitebeard!
S01E966 "One Piece" Episode #1.966
S01E967 "One Piece" Episode #1.967
S01E968 "One Piece" Episode #1.968
S01E969 "One Piece" To Wano Country! The Roger Pirates Disband
S01E970 Sad News: The Opening of the Great Pirate Era
S01E971 "One Piece" Raid! Oden and the Nine Red Scabbards
S01E972 "One Piece" The Moment of Conclusion! Oden vs. Kaido!
S01E973 "One Piece" Sentenced to Boil! Oden's Deadly Hour!
S01E974 Oden Wouldn't Be Oden If It Wasn't Boiled!
S01E975 The Castle on Fire! The Fate of the Kozuki Clan!
S01E976 Back to the Present Day! 20 Years Later!
S01E977 "One Piece" The Sea Is For Pirates! Raid! To Onigashima
S01E978 "One Piece" The Worst Generation Charges in! The Battle of the Stormy Sea
S01E979 "One Piece" Good Luck!? Leader Kin'emon's Plot
S01E980 "One Piece" A Tearful Promise! The Kidnapped Momonosuke!
S01E981 "One Piece" A New Member! Knight of the Sea Jinbe!
S01E982 Kaido's Trump Card - Introducing the Tobi Roppo
S01E983 The Samurai Warriors' Earnestness! The Straw Hats Land at Onigashima
S01E984 "One Piece" Luffy Goes Out of Control?! Sneaking into Kaido's Banquet
S01E985 Thinking of O-Tama - Luffy's Furious Strike
S01E986 "One Piece" Fighting Music! The Ability to Attack Luffy!
S01E987 The Failing Dream? The Plot to Lure Sanji!
S01E988 Arrival of Reinforcements! Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates!
S01E989 "One Piece" Oath of Man! Fierce Battle of the Brachiotank
S01E990 "One Piece" Thunder Bagua! The Appearance of Kaido's Son
S01E991 "One Piece" Enemy or Ally? Luffy and Yamato!
S01E992 "One Piece" Desire to be Oden! Yamato's Dream!
S01E993 Explosive?! The Handcuffs that Shackle Yamato's Freedom!
S01E994 "One Piece" The Scabbards Face-off - Kikunojo vs. Kanjuro
S01E996 "One Piece" Onigashima in Tumult! Luffy's All-Out War Begins!
S01E997 The Battle Under the Moon! The Berserker, Sulong the Moon Lion!
S01E998 "One Piece" Zeus' Treason?! The Cornered Nami!
S01E999 "One Piece" I'll Protect You! Yamato Meets Momonosuke!
S01E1000 "One Piece" Episode #1.1000
S01E1003 "One Piece" A Heroic Blade! Akazaya vs. Kaido, Again Once More!
S01E1008 Nami Surrenders?! Ulti's Fierce Headbutt!
S01E1011 "One Piece" It's Not Okay! The Spider Lures Sanji!
S01E1029 "One Piece" A Faint Memory! Luffy and Red-Haired's Daughter Uta!
S01E1031 "One Piece" Nami's Scream - The Desperate Death Race!
S01E1032 "One Piece" The Dawn of the Land of Wano - The All-Out Battle Heats Up!
S01E1033 "One Piece" The Conclusion! Luffy's Accelerating Fist of the Supreme King
S01E1034 "One Piece" Luffy Defeated! The Straw Hats in Jeopardy?!
S01E1035 "One Piece" The Animal Kingdom Pirates Trample Down! The End of the Kozuki Clan!
S01E1036 "One Piece" Fight Against the Dark Night - The Commander-in-Chief of Wano Country Sounds Off
S01E1070 "One Piece" Luffy is Defeated?! The Determination of Those Left Behind
S01E1071 "One Piece" Luffy's Peak: Attained! Gear Fifth
S01E1072 "One Piece" The Ridiculous Power! GEAR 5 in Full Play
S01E1073 "One Piece" No Way Out! A Hellish Scene on Onigasima
S01E1074 "One Piece" Believe in Momo - Luffy's Final Powerful Technique!
S01E1075 "One Piece" 20 Years Worth of Prayers! Take Back Wano Country
S01E1076 "One Piece" The World That Luffy Wants
S01E1077 "One Piece" Closing the Curtain! Winner - Straw Hat Luffy!
S01E1078 "One Piece" Episode #1.1078
S01E1079 "One Piece" The Morning Arrives! Luffy and Everyone's Relaxation!
S01E1080 "One Piece" Episode #1.1080
S01E1082 "One Piece" The Coming of the New Era! The Red-Haired's Imperial Rage
S01E1083 "One Piece" The World That Moves On! A New Organization, Cross Guild
S01E1084 "One Piece" Time to Depart - The Land of Wano and the Straw Hats
S01E1085 "One Piece" The Last Curtain! Luffy and Momonosuke's Vow
S01E1086 "One Piece" A New Emperor! Buggy the Genius Jester!
S01E1087 "One Piece" The War on the Island of Women! A Case Involving Koby the Hero
S01E1089 "One Piece" Entering a New Chapter! Luffy and Sabo's Paths!
S01E1090 "One Piece" Episode #1.1090
S01E1091 "One Piece" Brimming with the Future! An Adventure on the Island of Science!
S01E1092 "One Piece" Bonney's Lamentation! Darkness Lurking on the Future Island
S01E1093 "One Piece" The Winner Takes All! Law vs. Blackbeard!
S01E1095 "One Piece" The Brain of a Genius - Six Vegapunks!
S01E1096 "One Piece" A Forbidden Piece of History! A Theory Concerning a Kingdom
S01E1097 "One Piece" The Will of Ohara! The Inherited Research
S01E1098 "One Piece" The Eccentric Dream of a Genius!
S01E1099 "One Piece" Preparations for Interception! Rob Lucci Strikes
S01E1100 "One Piece" Powers on a Different Level! Luffy vs. Lucci!
S01E1101 "One Piece" Episode #1.1101
S01E1102 "One Piece" Sinister Schemes! The Operation to Escape Egghead
S01E1103 "One Piece" Turn Back My Father! Bonney's Futile Wish!
S01E1104 "One Piece" A Desperate Situation! The Seraphim's All-out Attack!
S01E1105 "One Piece" A Beautiful Act of Treason! The Spy, Stussy
S01E1106 "One Piece" Trouble Occurs! Seek Dr. Vegapunk!
S01E1107 "One Piece" A Shudder! The Evil Hand Creeping Up on the Laboratory
S01E1108 "One Piece" Incomprehensible! The Seraphim's Rebellion!
S01E1109 "One Piece" A Tough Decision! An Unusual United Front!
S01E1110 "One Piece" Survive! Deadly Combat with the Strongest Form of Humanity!
S01E1111 "One Piece" The Second Ohara! The Mastermind's Ambition!
S01E1112 "One Piece" Clash! Shanks vs. Eustass Kid
S01E1113 "One Piece" Run, Koby! A Desperate Escape Strategy!
S01E1114 "One Piece" For the Beloved Pupil - The Fist of Vice Admiral Garp!
S01E1117 "One Piece" Sabo Returns - The Shocking Truth to Be Told
S01E1118 "One Piece" The Holy Land in Tumult! Sai and Leo's Full-Power Blow!
S01E1119 "One Piece" The Entrusted Message! King Cobras Resolve!
S01E1120 "One Piece" The World Is Shaken! The Ruler's Judgment and the Five Elders' Actions!
S01E1121 Garp and Kuzan - A Master and a Pupil's Beliefs Clash
S01E1122 Episode #1.1122