2022 - Superfície
Em quem confiar quando não confiamos em nós?
Original title: Surface
Um traumatismo craniano deixa Sophie com uma grave perda de memória. Numa tentativa de juntar as peças da sua vida, com a ajuda do marido e de amigos, Sophie começa a questionar a verdade por trás da sua vida perfeita. themoviedb
Endereços Úteis
Superfície subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Ictus
S01E02 Memória muscular
S01E03 Nova pessoa e os mesmos velhos erros
S01E04 Psicogênico
S01E05 Vem em ondas
S01E06 O mito da Califórnia
S01E07 Sempre acabaria assim
S01E08 Vejo você do outro lado
S02E01 New Money
S02E02 Fala-se no Diabo
S02E03 Kintsugi
S02E04 "Surface" Episode #2.4 (TV Episode)
S02E05 "Surface" Episode #2.5 (TV Episode)
S02E06 "Surface" Episode #2.6 (TV Episode)
S02E07 "Surface" Episode #2.7 (TV Episode)
S02E08 "Surface" Episode #2.8 (TV Episode)
Surface - S02E03 Kintsugi Surface.2022.S02E03.1080p.WEB.H264-SuccessfulCrab 0% 25 0 6 days
Surface. 2022. S02E03. 1080p. WEB. H264-SuccessfulCrabSurface.2022.S02E03.1080p.WEB.H264-SuccessfulCrabSuperfície - S02E02 Fala-se no Diabo Surface.2022.S02E02.1080p.WEB.H264-SuccessfulCrab 0% 46 0 13 days
Surface. 2022. S02E02. 1080p. WEB. H264-SuccessfulCrabSurface.2022.S02E02.1080p.WEB.H264-SuccessfulCrabSurface - S02E01 New Money Surface.2022.S02E01.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL 0% 50 0 20 days
Surface. 2022. S02E01. 1080p. WEB. h264-ETHELSurface.2022.S02E01.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHELSurface - S01E08 See You on the Other Side Surface.2022.S01E08.1080p.WEB.H264-GLHF_track33_[por] 0% 160 0 over 2 years
Surface. 2022. S01E08. 1080p. WEB. H264-GLHF_track33_[por]Surface.2022.S01E08.1080p.WEB.H264-GLHF_track33_[por]Surface - S01E07 It Was Always Going to End This Way 0% 153 0 over 2 years
Surface. 2022. S01E07. It. Was. Always. Going. to. End. This. Way. 1080p. ATVP. WEB-DL. DDP5. 1. H. - S01E06 The Myth of California Surface.2022.S01E06.The.Myth.of.California.1080p.ATVP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTb 0% 162 0 over 2 years
Surface. 2022. S01E06. The. Myth. of. California. 1080p. ATVP. WEB-DL. DDP5. 1. H. 264-NTbSurface.2022.S01E06.The.Myth.of.California.1080p.ATVP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTbSurface - S01E05 It Comes in Waves surface.2022.s01e05.1080p.web.h264-ggez 0% 179 0 over 2 years
surface. 2022. s01e05. 1080p. web. h264-ggezsurface.2022.s01e05.1080p.web.h264-ggezSurface - S01E04 Psychogenic surface.2022.s01e04.1080p.web.h264-ggez 0% 181 0 over 2 years
surface. 2022. s01e04. 1080p. web. h264-ggezsurface.2022.s01e04.1080p.web.h264-ggezSurface - S01E01 Ictus Surface.2022.S01E01.720p.WEB.h264-KOGi 0% 329 0 over 2 years
Surface. 2022. S01E01. 720p. WEB. h264-KOGiSurface.2022.S01E01.720p.WEB.h264-KOGiSurface - S01E03 New Person, Same Old Mistakes Surface.2022.S01E03.720p.WEB.h264-KOGi 0% 205 0 over 2 years
Surface. 2022. S01E03. 720p. WEB. h264-KOGiSurface.2022.S01E03.720p.WEB.h264-KOGiSurface - S01E02 Muscle Memory Surface.2022.S01E02.720p.WEB.h264-KOGi 0% 251 0 over 2 years
Surface. 2022. S01E02. 720p. WEB. h264-KOGiSurface.2022.S01E02.720p.WEB.h264-KOGi