1990 - Vârfuri Gemene
A town where everyone knows everyone and nothing is what it seems.
Original title: Twin Peaks
Povestea incepe cu descoperirea cadavrului Laurei pe malul unui lac, "infasurat in plastic". Ca urmare a desfasurarii anchetei, fiecare locuitor al orasului este expus treptat cercetarii atente si adesea incomode a agentului Cooper si a autoritatilor locale, dezvaluindu-se latura intunecata a vietii multor personaje. Asemenea multor altor creatii marca Lynch (in special filmul "Blue Velvet"), "Twin Peaks" exploreaza contrastul intre aparentele respectabile ale vietii citadine si aspectele putrede, ascunse ale vietii. Serialul se aseamana cu restul operei lui Lynch prin faptul ca este greu de plasat intr-un anumit gen cinematografic: din punct de vedere stilistic, serialul imprumuta tonul tulburator si premisele supranaturale ale filmelor horror, oferind simultan o parodie a telenovelelor americane, prin prezentarea melodramaticã a activitatilor dubioase ale personajelor. Twin Peaks a fost si inca e un serial cult care a reusit sa stranga foarte multi fani in toata lumea. In ciuda succesului sau imens, serialul a fost destul de prost inteles, multi fiind atrasi de ciudateniile din el, si mai putin de mesajul sau. Intradevar, TP este un serial bizar prin personajele, intamplarile si locatiile sale, dar el trebuie privit intr-o alta cheie. Lynch, unul din creatorii acestui serial, care a regizat cateva episoade si a scirs majoritatea lor, a crescut intr-o perioada in care in State conceptul de "Americana" lua tot mai mult contur. E vorba de cultura de masa americana, impinzita de lucruri cat se poate de superficiale, de care americanii se simteau aproape si se puteau identifica. Elemente din aceasta cultura erau muzica jazz, basseball, restaurantele de tip diner, sau Superman, eroul impecabil. Era o cultura in masa omniprezenta in serialele adolescentei lui Lynch. In acele seriale despre suburbiile oraselor, viata era linistita, nu exista crima, moarte, insubordonare. Totul era fad, lipsit de viata, un ideal marxist. Twin Peaks porneste de la aceleasi premise: un orasel linistit, unde toata lumea cunoaste pe toata lumea, unde viata isi urmeaza cursul linistit fara conflicte. Insa TP merge mai adanc de atat. Oamenii aici se cunosc si nu prea, fiecare avand o agenda ascunsa, sau un trecut de care nu a mandru. Iar mica societate din TP nu e deloc ideala: regina balului este gasita ucisa, dupa mai multe contacte sexuale, si in organism i se gaseste cocaina. Exact opusul conceptului "Americana". Primul sezon se remarca prin umorul sau si inteligenta ironiilor, al doilea e mai slab, ciudat si greu de inteles. Oricum, unul din serialele care vor ramane in istorie pentru ca a apropiat televiziunea mai mult de arta cinematografica. themoviedb
Legaturi interesante
Vârfuri Gemene subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 Traces to Nowhere
S01E03 Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer
S01E04 Rest In Pain
S01E05 The One-Armed Man
S01E06 Cooper's Dreams
S01E07 Realization Time
S01E08 The Last Evening
S02E01 May the Giant Be with You
S02E02 Coma
S02E03 The Man Behind the Glass
S02E04 Laura's Secret Diary
S02E05 The Orchid's Curse
S02E06 Demons
S02E07 Lonely Souls
S02E08 Drive with a Dead Girl
S02E09 Arbitrary Law
S02E10 Dispute Between Brothers
S02E11 Masked Ball
S02E12 The Black Widow
S02E13 Checkmate
S02E14 Double Play
S02E15 Slaves and Masters
S02E16 The Condemned Woman
S02E17 Wounds and Scars
S02E18 On the Wings of Love
S02E19 Variations on Relations
S02E20 The Path to the Black Lodge
S02E21 Miss Twin Peaks
S02E22 Beyond Life and Death
Vârfuri Gemene - S02E07 Lonely Souls 9-Arbitrary Law 0% 0 0 3 luni
9-Arbitrary Law9-Arbitrary LawTwin Peaks - S02E21 Miss Twin Peaks Twin.Peaks.S02E21.Miss.Twin.Peaks.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUN 0% 3 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E21. Miss. Twin. Peaks. 1080p. SKST. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0. x264-VELUNTwin.Peaks.S02E21.Miss.Twin.Peaks.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUNTwin Peaks - S02E19 Variations on Relations Twin.Peaks.S02E19.Variations.and.Relations.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUN 0% 0 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E19. Variations. and. Relations. 1080p. SKST. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0. x264-VELUNTwin.Peaks.S02E19.Variations.and.Relations.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUNTwin Peaks - S02E20 The Path to the Black Lodge Twin.Peaks.S02E20.The.Path.to.the.Black.Lodge.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUN 0% 0 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E20. The. Path. to. the. Black. Lodge. 1080p. SKST. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0. x264-VELUNTwin.Peaks.S02E20.The.Path.to.the.Black.Lodge.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUNTwin Peaks - S02E15 Slaves and Masters Twin.Peaks.S02E15.Slaves.and.Masters.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 5 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E15. Slaves. and. Masters. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E15.Slaves.and.Masters.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DONTwin Peaks - S02E22 Beyond Life and Death Twin.Peaks.S02E22.Beyond.Life.and.Death.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUN 0% 2 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E22. Beyond. Life. and. Death. 1080p. SKST. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0. x264-VELUNTwin.Peaks.S02E22.Beyond.Life.and.Death.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUNTwin Peaks - S02E18 On the Wings of Love Twin.Peaks.S02E18.On.the.Wings.of.Love.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 0 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E18. On. the. Wings. of. Love. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E18.On.the.Wings.of.Love.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DONTwin Peaks - S02E21 Miss Twin Peaks Twin.Peaks.S02E21.Miss.Twin.Peaks.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 0 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E21. Miss. Twin. Peaks. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E21.Miss.Twin.Peaks.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DONTwin Peaks - S02E16 The Condemned Woman Twin.Peaks.S02E16.The.Condemned.Woman.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 7 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E16. The. Condemned. Woman. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E16.The.Condemned.Woman.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DONTwin Peaks - S02E22 Beyond Life and Death Twin.Peaks.S02E22.Beyond.Life.and.Death.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 14 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E22. Beyond. Life. and. Death. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E22.Beyond.Life.and.Death.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DONTwin Peaks - S02E16 The Condemned Woman Twin.Peaks.S02E16.The.Condemned.Woman.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUN 0% 5 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E16. The. Condemned. Woman. 1080p. SKST. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0. x264-VELUNTwin.Peaks.S02E16.The.Condemned.Woman.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUNTwin Peaks - S02E18 On the Wings of Love Twin.Peaks.S02E18.On.the.Wings.of.Love.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUN 0% 1 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E18. On. the. Wings. of. Love. 1080p. SKST. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0. x264-VELUNTwin.Peaks.S02E18.On.the.Wings.of.Love.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUNTwin Peaks - S02E17 Wounds and Scars Twin.Peaks.S02E17.Wounds.and.Scars.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 0 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E17. Wounds. and. Scars. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E17.Wounds.and.Scars.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DONTwin Peaks - S02E19 Variations on Relations Twin.Peaks.S02E19.Variations.on.Relations.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 1 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E19. Variations. on. Relations. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E19.Variations.on.Relations.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DONTwin Peaks - S02E20 The Path to the Black Lodge Twin.Peaks.S02E20.The.Path.to.the.Black.Lodge.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 0 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E20. The. Path. to. the. Black. Lodge. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E20.The.Path.to.the.Black.Lodge.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DONTwin Peaks - S02E17 Wounds and Scars Twin.Peaks.S02E17.Wounds.and.Scars.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUN 0% 0 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E17. Wounds. and. Scars. 1080p. SKST. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0. x264-VELUNTwin.Peaks.S02E17.Wounds.and.Scars.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUNTwin Peaks - S02E13 Checkmate Twin.Peaks.S02E13.Checkmate.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUN 0% 2 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E13. Checkmate. 1080p. SKST. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0. x264-VELUNTwin.Peaks.S02E13.Checkmate.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUNTwin Peaks - S02E12 The Black Widow Twin.Peaks.S02E12.The.Black.Widow.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUN 0% 4 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E12. The. Black. Widow. 1080p. SKST. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0. x264-VELUNTwin.Peaks.S02E12.The.Black.Widow.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUNTwin Peaks - S02E13 Checkmate Twin.Peaks.S02E13.Checkmate.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 5 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E13. Checkmate. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E13.Checkmate.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DONTwin Peaks - S02E12 The Black Widow Twin.Peaks.S02E12.The.Black.Widow.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 4 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E12. The. Black. Widow. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E12.The.Black.Widow.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DONTwin Peaks - S02E08 Drive with a Dead Girl Twin.Peaks.S02E08.Drive.With.a.Dead.Girl.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUN 0% 2 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E08. Drive. With. a. Dead. Girl. 1080p. SKST. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0. x264-VELUNTwin.Peaks.S02E08.Drive.With.a.Dead.Girl.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUNTwin Peaks - S02E11 Masked Ball Twin.Peaks.S02E11.Masked.Ball.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUN 0% 2 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E11. Masked. Ball. 1080p. SKST. WEB-DL. AAC2. 0. x264-VELUNTwin.Peaks.S02E11.Masked.Ball.1080p.SKST.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-VELUNTwin Peaks - S02E09 Arbitrary Law Twin.Peaks.S02E09.Arbitrary.Law.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 7 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E09. Arbitrary. Law. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E09.Arbitrary.Law.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DONTwin Peaks - S02E08 Drive with a Dead Girl Twin.Peaks.S02E08.Drive.With.A.Dead.Girl.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON 0% 9 0 6 luni
Twin. Peaks. S02E08. Drive. With. A. Dead. Girl. 720p. BluRay. DD5. 1. x264-DONTwin.Peaks.S02E08.Drive.With.A.Dead.Girl.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-DON