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2024 - Гладіатор 2

Prepare to be entertained.

Original title: Gladiator II

«Гладіатор II» продовжує епічну сагу про владу, помсту та інтриги, події якої відбуваються в Стародавньому Римі. Декілька років тому Луцій став свідком вбивства Максимуса від рук свого дядька. Тепер він змушений увійти в Колізей після того як його дім було зруйновано імператорами-тиранами, які тепер керують Римом. Оскільки на карту поставлено майбутнє імперії, Луцій повинен знайти у собі сили забути минуле та повернути Риму і його народу колишню славу. themoviedb

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Comments from Opensubtitles.org

  • blizzunt @
    A ton of errors in this!!
    SubAtomic_ @
    Blizcunt, these subtitles are only made for the Bauckley version of the video. They will not work on any other video version. You follow me around to all these subtitles boards in your petty jealously when I outdo/outrun you in making American translations with your ankle-biting yappy-dog criticisms in order to elevate your translations under your other pseudonym. The truncated Bauckley version of this movie had 3 important scenes cut out by the Australian movie board and several stupid petty alcohol/smoking notices embedded into this movie by the India movie board/censors... I took the time to adjust the subtitles for these misguided distortions in the movie, no one even came close to fixing these incongruities in their "early" subtitling attempts of the Bauckley video version. The original Bauckley embedded subtitles inside the video were an abortion by an ignoramus (very likely you or your non-English-speaking brother)... which made this version of the Bauckley video unwatchable. I took a bad situation and made it watchable/understandable until the final movie/video-subtitles are officially released. Why you little peabrains have to criticize people like me trying to help viewers understand the dialogue in a movie is baffling to me, you need to get a real life and stop trolling these boards. SubAtomic.
    blizzunt @
    This is my first comment you fucking twit, your subtitles are wrong, you obviously don't hear very well, or are just completely stupid. Also I'm very much American, so your assumptions are very off. Stick to your day job fuckwit!
    blizzunt @
    A ton of errors in this!!

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