1989 - Simpsonlar
Putting the Fun back in Dysfunctional!
Original title: The Simpsons
Multfilm — amerikaliklar hayoti tarziga parodiya. Simpsonlar oilasi beshta a’zodan iborat: otasi Gomer, oilaning onasi Marj, ularning qizlari, Liza va Meggi, va chidab bo‘lmaydigan darajadagi o‘smir Bart. themoviedb
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Simpsonlar subtitles for episodes from season 26
S26E01 Clown in the Dumps
S26E02 The Wreck of the Relationship
S26E03 Super Franchise Me
S26E04 Treehouse of Horror XXV
S26E05 Opposites A-Frack
S26E06 Simpsorama
S26E07 Blazed and Confused
S26E08 Covercraft
S26E09 I Won't Be Home for Christmas
S26E10 The Man Who Came to Be Dinner
S26E11 Bart's New Friend
S26E12 The Musk Who Fell to Earth
S26E13 Walking Big & Tall
S26E14 My Fare Lady
S26E15 The Princess Guide
S26E16 Sky Police
S26E17 Waiting for Duffman
S26E18 Peeping Mom
S26E19 The Kids Are All Fight
S26E20 Let's Go Fly a Coot
S26E21 Bull-E
S26E22 Mathlete's Feat