2014 - Bà Bộ Trưởng
Not politics as usual.
Original title: Madam Secretary
Vốn không mặn mà với con đường chính trị, Elizabeth McCord, cựu nhân viên CIA, xin từ chức để sống cuộc sống bình dị ở trang trại cùng gia đình. Nhưng mọi thứ đã đảo lộn khi máy bay chở bộ trưởng Bộ Ngoại giao Hoa Kỳ gặp tai nạn trong bối cảnh những cuộc thương lượng hòa bình đang diễn ra rất căng thẳng. Đích thân Tổng thống Hoa Kỳ, cũng là chỉ huy cũ của Elizabeth, tới gặp và thuyết phục cô đảm nhiệm vị trí còn trống. themoviedb
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phụ đề
Bà Bộ Trưởng subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 Another Benghazi
S01E03 The Operative
S01E04 Just Another Normal Day
S01E05 Blame Canada
S01E06 The Call
S01E07 Passage
S01E08 Need to Know
S01E09 So It Goes
S01E10 Collateral Damage
S01E11 Game On
S01E12 Standoff
S01E13 Chains of Command
S01E14 Whisper of the Ax
S01E15 The Ninth Circle
S01E16 Tamerlane
S01E17 Face the Nation
S01E18 The Time Is at Hand
S01E19 Spartan Figures
S01E20 The Necessary Art
S01E21 The Kill List
S01E22 There But for the Grace of God
S02E01 The Show Must Go On
S02E02 The Doability Doctrine
S02E03 The Rusalka
S02E04 Waiting for Taleju
S02E05 The Long Shot
S02E06 Catch and Release
S02E07 You Say You Want a Revolution
S02E08 Lights Out
S02E09 Russian Roulette
S02E10 The Greater Good
S02E11 Unity Node
S02E12 The Middle Way
S02E13 Invasive Species
S02E14 Left of the Boom
S02E15 Right of the Boom
S02E16 Hijriyyah
S02E17 Higher Learning
S02E18 On the Clock
S02E19 Desperate Remedies
S02E20 Ghost Detainee
S02E21 Connection Lost
S02E22 Render Safe
S02E23 Vartius
S03E01 Sea Change
S03E02 The Linchpin
S03E03 South China Sea
S03E04 The Dissent Memo
S03E05 The French Revolution
S03E06 The Statement
S03E07 Tectonic Shift
S03E08 Breakout Capacity
S03E09 Snap Back
S03E10 The Race
S03E11 Gift Horse
S03E12 The Detour
S03E13 The Beautiful Game
S03E14 Labor of Love
S03E15 Break in Diplomacy
S03E16 Swept Away
S03E17 Convergence
S03E18 Good Bones
S03E19 Global Relief
S03E20 Extraordinary Hazard
S03E21 The Seventh Floor
S03E22 Revelation
S03E23 Article 5
S04E01 News Cycle
S04E02 Off the Record
S04E03 The Essentials
S04E04 Shutdown
S04E05 Persona Non Grata
S04E06 Loophole
S04E07 North to the Future
S04E08 The Fourth Estate
S04E09 Minefield
S04E10 Women Transform the World
S04E11 Mitya
S04E12 Sound and Fury
S04E13 Reading the Signs
S04E14 Refuge
S04E15 The Unnamed
S04E16 My Funny Valentine
S04E17 Phase Two
S04E18 The Friendship Game
S04E19 Thin Ice
S04E20 The Things We Get to Say
S04E21 Protocol
S04E22 Night Watch
S05E01 E Pluribus Unum
S05E02 The Chaos Game
S05E03 The Magic Rake
S05E04 Requiem
S05E05 Ghosts
S05E06 Eyjafjallajökull
S05E07 Baby Steps
S05E08 The Courage to Continue
S05E09 Winter Garden
S05E10 Family Separation (1)
S05E11 Family Separation (2)
S05E12 Strategic Ambiguity
S05E13 Proxy War
S05E14 Something Better
S05E15 Between the Seats
S05E16 The New Normal
S05E17 The Common Defense
S05E18 Ready
S05E19 Carrying the Gold
S05E20 Better Angels
S06E01 Hail to the Chief
S06E02 The Strike Zone
S06E03 Killer Robots
S06E04 Valor
S06E05 Daisy
S06E06 Deepfake
S06E07 Accountability
S06E08 Ships and Countries
S06E09 Carpe Diem
S06E10 Leaving the Station
Bà Bộ Trưởng - S01E22 There But for the Grace of God Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E022 0% 18 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E022Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E022Bà Bộ Trưởng - S01E21 The Kill List Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E021 0% 9 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E021Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E021Madam Secretary - S01E20 The Necessary Art Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E020 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E020Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E020Madam Secretary - S01E19 Spartan Figures Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E019 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E019Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E019Madam Secretary - S01E18 The Time Is at Hand Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E018 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E018Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E018Madam Secretary - S01E17 Face the Nation Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E017 0% 15 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E017Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E017Madam Secretary - S01E16 Tamerlane Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E016 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E016Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E016Madam Secretary - S01E15 The Ninth Circle Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E015 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E015Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E015Madam Secretary - S01E14 Whisper of the Ax Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E014 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E014Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E014Madam Secretary - S01E12 Standoff Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E012 0% 4 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E012Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E012Madam Secretary - S01E13 Chains of Command Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E013 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E013Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E013Madam Secretary - S01E10 Collateral Damage Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E010 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E010Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E010Madam Secretary - S01E11 Game On Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E011 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E011Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E011Madam Secretary - S01E09 So It Goes Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E009 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E009Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E009Madam Secretary - S01E08 Need to Know Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E008 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E008Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E008Madam Secretary - S01E06 The Call Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E006 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E006Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E006Madam Secretary - S01E07 Passage Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E007 0% 2 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E007Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E007Madam Secretary - S01E05 Blame Canada Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E005 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E005Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E005Madam Secretary - S01E04 Just Another Normal Day Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E004 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E004Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E004Bà Bộ Trưởng - S01E03 The Operative Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E003 0% 14 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E003Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E003Madam Secretary - S01E02 Another Benghazi Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E002 0% 0 0 8 tháng
Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E002Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E002Madam Secretary - S01E01 Pilot Madam_Secretary_S01_720p_S_E001 0% 0 0 8 tháng