2011 - 疑犯追蹤
You're Being Watched
Original title: Person of Interest
哈洛·芬奇(邁可·愛默生飾)是一位深居簡出的億萬富豪,他為政府開發了一套稱作「機器」(The Machine),可偵測恐怖攻擊的大規模監控電腦系統。它可預測「有計畫或謀略策劃的犯罪」,諸如911事件之類的大型恐怖攻擊災難,並提供情報讓有關當局防範未然。它可以偵測一般人的暴力犯罪,於是芬奇將情報區分為重要(relevant)和不重要(irrelevant)兩類,只將重要的清單呈報給有關當局,而不重要清單則會在每天晚上刪除。但芬奇意識到,不重要清單的資料可制止許多犯罪活動和挽救人命。但政府沒有興趣處理不重要清單,芬奇決心要找到一種方法來阻止這些犯罪。他利用程式中的一個後門,取得一項資訊:社會安全號碼。出現這號碼的人將參與即將發生的罪行,芬奇僱用一位被推定死亡的前美國特種部隊綠扁帽隊員、前CIA探員約翰·里斯(吉姆·卡維佐飾),干預犯罪的發生和阻止有人再受傷害。里斯利用在軍方和CIA獲得的技能,保護受害者和阻止肇事者出手,他們必須設法制止犯罪的發生,他們除了讓紐約市警察局腐敗警探萊昂諾·傅斯可(凱文·查普曼飾)重回正軌外,並與警探賈絲·卡特(泰拉姬·漢森飾)合作。 themoviedb
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疑犯追蹤 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S03E01 Liberty
S03E02 Nothing to Hide
S03E03 Lady Killer
S03E04 合理怀疑
S03E05 Razgovor
S03E06 Mors Praematura
S03E07 完美标记
S03E08 Endgame
S03E09 The Crossing
S03E10 The Devil's Share
S03E11 Lethe
S03E12 真理
S03E13 4C
S03E14 起源
S03E15 Last Call
S03E16 RAM
S03E17 /
S03E18 Allegiance
S03E19 Most Likely To...
S03E20 Death Benefit
S03E21 Beta
S03E22 A House Divided
S03E23 Deus Ex Machina
Person of Interest - S01E23 Firewall Person of Interest - S01E23 - Firewall 0% 2073 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E23 - FirewallPerson of Interest - S01E23 - FirewallPerson of Interest - S01E22 No Good Deed Person of Interest - S01E22 - No Good Deed 0% 1629 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E22 - No Good DeedPerson of Interest - S01E22 - No Good DeedPerson of Interest - S01E21 Many Happy Returns Person of Interest - S01E21 - Many Happy Returns 0% 1558 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E21 - Many Happy ReturnsPerson of Interest - S01E21 - Many Happy ReturnsPerson of Interest - S01E20 Matsya Nyaya Person of Interest - S01E20 - Matsya Nyaya 0% 1626 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E20 - Matsya NyayaPerson of Interest - S01E20 - Matsya NyayaPerson of Interest - S01E19 Flesh and Blood Person of Interest - S01E19 - Flesh and Blood 0% 1625 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E19 - Flesh and BloodPerson of Interest - S01E19 - Flesh and BloodPerson of Interest - S01E18 Identity Crisis Person of Interest - S01E18 - Identity Crisis 0% 1541 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E18 - Identity CrisisPerson of Interest - S01E18 - Identity CrisisPerson of Interest - S01E17 Baby Blue Person of Interest - S01E17 - Baby Blue 0% 427 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E17 - Baby BluePerson of Interest - S01E17 - Baby BluePerson of Interest - S01E16 Risk Person of Interest - S01E16 - Risk 0% 1459 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E16 - RiskPerson of Interest - S01E16 - RiskPerson of Interest - S01E15 Blue Code Person of Interest - S01E15 - Blue Code 0% 1769 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E15 - Blue CodePerson of Interest - S01E15 - Blue CodePerson of Interest - S01E14 Wolf and Cub Person of Interest - S01E14 - Wolf and Cub 0% 1712 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E14 - Wolf and CubPerson of Interest - S01E14 - Wolf and CubPerson of Interest - S01E13 Root Cause Person of Interest - S01E13 - Root Cause 100% 673 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E13 - Root CausePerson of Interest - S01E13 - Root CausePerson of Interest - S01E12 Legacy Person of Interest - S01E12 - Legacy 0% 2319 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E12 - LegacyPerson of Interest - S01E12 - LegacyPerson of Interest - S01E11 Super Person of Interest - S01E11 - Super 0% 687 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E11 - SuperPerson of Interest - S01E11 - SuperPerson of Interest - S01E10 Number Crunch Person of Interest - S01E10 - Number Crunch 100% 1126 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E10 - Number CrunchPerson of Interest - S01E10 - Number CrunchPerson of Interest - S01E09 Get Carter Person of Interest - S01E09 - Get Carter 0% 1292 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E09 - Get CarterPerson of Interest - S01E09 - Get CarterPerson of Interest - S01E08 Foe Person of Interest - S01E08 - Foe 100% 1239 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E08 - FoePerson of Interest - S01E08 - FoePerson of Interest - S01E07 Witness Person of Interest - S01E07 - Witness 100% 2709 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E07 - WitnessPerson of Interest - S01E07 - WitnessPerson of Interest - S01E06 The Fix Person of Interest - S01E06 - The Fix 100% 3544 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E06 - The FixPerson of Interest - S01E06 - The FixPerson of Interest - S01E05 Judgement Person of Interest - S01E05 - Judgement 100% 3529 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E05 - JudgementPerson of Interest - S01E05 - JudgementPerson of Interest - S01E04 Cura Te Ipsum Person of Interest - S01E04 - Cura Te Ipsum 100% 781 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E04 - Cura Te IpsumPerson of Interest - S01E04 - Cura Te IpsumKẻ Tình Nghi - S01E03 Mission Creep Person of Interest - S01E03 - Mission Creep 100% 760 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E03 - Mission CreepPerson of Interest - S01E03 - Mission CreepPerson of Interest - S01E02 Ghosts Person of Interest - S01E02 - Ghosts 0% 1368 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E02 - GhostsPerson of Interest - S01E02 - GhostsPerson of Interest - S01E01 Pilot Person of Interest - S01E01 - Pilot 0% 2675 0 10 个月
Person of Interest - S01E01 - PilotPerson of Interest - S01E01 - PilotPerson of Interest - S01E01 Pilot Person.of.Interest.S01E01.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG 0% 14373 0 1 年多
Person. of. Interest. S01E01. 1080p. BluRay. x265-RARBGPerson.of.Interest.S01E01.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG