1990 - 闪电侠
Wipes Out Scum In Seconds
Original title: The Flash
艾伦(John Wesley Shipp 饰)出生于警察世家,他的哥哥杰(蒂姆·汤默逊 Tim Thomerson 饰)是摩托骑警队队长,而艾伦自己则是犯罪化验室的研究专员。近日,城市里出现的飞车党让市民们深感不安,这群暴徒们烧杀抢掠无恶不作,成为了破坏城市和平的蛀虫。 飞车党又犯下一宗罪行,艾伦采集了现场留下的泥土作为证据带回实验室研究,没想到,在研究过程中发生了爆炸,一道闪电击中了艾伦。本以为自己必死无疑的艾伦幸运地死里逃生,却因为电击而获得了超能力,从此化身成为闪电侠。飞车党的头目派克(Mariko Tse 饰)一直都对杰怀恨在心,一次行动中,杰不幸牺牲,而艾伦则继承了哥哥未完成的使命,誓要将派克捉拿归案。 themoviedb
Interesting links
闪电侠 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S00E00 "The Flash" Pilot
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 Out of Control
S01E03 Watching the Detectives
S01E04 Honor Among Thieves
S01E05 Double Vision
S01E06 Sins of the Father
S01E07 Child's Play
S01E08 Shroud of Death
S01E09 Ghost in the Machine
S01E10 Sight Unseen
S01E11 Beat the Clock
S01E12 The Trickster
S01E13 Tina, Is That You?
S01E14 Be My Baby
S01E15 Deadly Nightshade
S01E16 Deadly Nightshade
S01E17 Captain Cold
S01E18 Twin Streaks
S01E19 Done with Mirrors
S01E20 Good Night, Central City
S01E21 Alpha